Physical Care Services


His Excellency the President of the University inaugurates the sports fields in the University City in Majmaah

His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, accompanied by His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and a number of deans of the colleges inaugurated sports fields in Majmaah, which is considered one of the most important pillars for our students.

He was received by the General Supervisor of the General Administration of Projects and Technical Affairs, Mr. Othman bin Hamad Al-Issa, and Mr. Mohammed bin Suleiman Al-Fnaital, the project supervisor.

His Excellency inspected the stadiums and their equipment.

After that, His Excellency sponsored the final match of the football sports activities.

After that, His Excellency honored the General Administration of Projects and Technical Affairs for their efforts in establishing the stadium according to international standards in the construction of sports stadiums.

The university's keenness on sports stadiums stems from its belief that sport is an important part of human life, as the stadiums are designed at a high level of capabilities to suit the desires of students, faculty members and university employees.

The President of the University sponsors the fifth race ceremony of the equestrian field in Majmaah




His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, sponsored the fifth race ceremony of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Khalid Equestrian Square in Majmaah, for the Majmaah University Award, in the presence of the university's vice-rectors, a number of officials in the governorate, university employees and those interested in this ancient sport, where the university presented the prizes of this race, which is a car that was handed over to the winner of the main half of the ceremony, in addition to a number of other awards delivered during the race runs. The university's sponsorship of this race comes as an extension of its societal role and an affirmation of the university's keenness to activate community partnership with all sectors and entities in a way that contributes to providing community service and achieving its goals.

His Excellency the President of the University praised the welcome and good organization he found and thanked His Excellency the President of the Equestrian Field in Majmaah for their efforts to serve this ancient sport.


The University and the Committee implement a symposium (Saudi Sports... Peace Platform, Intercultural Crossroads and Development Engine)

The University and the Committee implement a symposium (Saudi Sports... Peace Platform, Intercultural Crossroads and Development Engine)

The University and the Committee implement a symposium (Saudi Sports... Peace Platform, Intercultural Crossroads and Development Engine)

Within the framework of its keenness to activate the development movement that stems from building partnerships and discusses development issues, the university, represented by the Social Responsibility Observatory and in partnership with the Women's Committee for Community Development in Riyadh, the Family Affairs Committee of the Region Council and Al-Faisaly Sports Club, implemented a symposium entitled (Saudi Sports... Peace Platform, Intercultural Crossroads and Development Engine), on the occasion of the International Day of Sport for Peace and Development.
A number of leaders and those interested in development participated in the symposium by discussing the themes of the symposium.
The seminar began by thanking the Women's Committee, represented by Her Highness Princess Nourah bint Mohammed Al Saud, Chairperson of the Committee, for her interest in such development issues, and reviewed the historical sequence of Saudi sports. Then the floor was given to the speakers, where the Undersecretary of Planning and Development at the Ministry of Sports, Ms. Adwaa bint Abdulrahman Al-Arifi, began to talk about the first axis, which discusses the topic: "Saudi women and sports are an effective engine for development", where she mentioned the qualitative leaps and achievements witnessed by Saudi sports during the past years, and the developments they have achieved in the role and practice of sports by women, in addition to their contribution to the fields of development, especially after the Kingdom hosted many major international events, for his part, Dr. Fawaz bin Kaseb Al-Anzi spoke In the second theme: "Responsible Sports Practices and the Promotion of Citizenship Values" about responsible sports practices and their role in promoting the positive values of good citizenship, and the extent to which enabling positive sports practices contributes to addressing negative sports practices and the extent to which these efforts are reflected in advancing the development process.
As for the third axis, which is dedicated to talking about "Saudi sports, the vision of peace and global citizenship", Dr. Medlej bin Ibrahim Al-Laboun mentioned in his speech about this axis that sports and sports institutions as an incubator for youth can contribute to a prominent role in the subject of promoting the values of global citizenship and working to activate the possibilities of world peace. Justified by a number of statistical data.
The fourth axis was about: "Saudi Sports and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals", in which Dr. Ayman bin Jamil Al-Barakati spoke about the role of Saudi sports in highlighting the positive concepts included in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the role of these concepts in advancing sports efforts in the field of development, and the symposium witnessed the presence of many specialists and interested persons,
and also witnessed interaction from the participants with what was presented by the speakers in this seminar.
In its recommendations, the symposium stressed the appreciation of the trend witnessed by Saudi sports to reflect its activity on the national product. As well as emphasizing the continued support for events and activities that discuss the role of sport as an engine of development.


The University Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the General Sports Authority

The university signed a memorandum of understanding with the "General Authority for Sports", on Monday, 20/7/1438 AH, on cooperation in achieving the required support, implementing programs and activities that help spread the culture of sports, and activating the role of parties in achieving Vision 2030, in order to increase the percentage of sports and physical activities on a regular basis, and raise awareness in the community of sports and public health, and the university was represented in signing the agreement by His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and The General Sports Authority was represented by Her Royal Highness Princess Reema bint Bandar bin Sultan, Vice President of the Authority for the Women's Section.

The memorandum included a number of objectives, including: contributing to achieving the Kingdom's Vision 2030, identifying means to increase the percentage of sports and physical activities on a regular basis to raise the percentage of sports practitioners, developing mechanisms that motivate community groups to practice sports, achieving a distinguished and sustainable sports level, determining the mechanism for spreading the culture of sports awareness and healthy behaviors by the university for all its students and community members, achieving the university's vision in qualifying specialized human cadres related to development needs, and completing applied research projects. Sports service in the Kingdom is joint between the university and the authority, as well as one of the objectives is to support the sports economy through community sports, and to add sports events at the university to the sports calendar, in addition to spreading the culture of sports practice and the culture of training and sports volunteering.

The College of Business Administration launches a program under the slogan "Sports brings us together" for all college employees

Believing in its pioneering role in practicing sports activities and its social responsibility towards its employees, the College of Business Administration, represented by the Student Activities Unit, launched on Monday a program under the slogan "Sport brings us together" targeting the college's employees, as the program comes with the aim of spreading sports awareness to practice sports to gain physical fitness and permanent activity and strengthen the body by finding an effective member in society and the importance of practicing various sports activities and the health return on the participants, as the football sports activity of the College of Business Administration, which lasted for more than two weeks, was completed. Holding the final match on Tuesday evening, 5/2/1473 AH at the Municipality Stadium, and in cooperation with the Al-Hobeish Foundation, which provided support and sponsorship of the tournament in a night awaited by all students of the College of Business Administration, where enthusiasm and challenge ignited between the two teams. The final match between the "yellow" team and the "blue" team and the presence of more than 200 fans and participants, and the end of the referee Nayef Al-Muraikhi whistle at the end of the match, and thus crowned the "yellow" team with the cup of this session amid great joy and festival between the players of the team and the fans This has praised the fans present for the match, which was at a high level of challenge and rose to the level that everyone aspires to ...

His Excellency the Supervisor of the College of Business Administration, Dr. Saad bin Muhammad Al-Fulaih, praised this program to achieve the aspirations of the college of the need to spread sports awareness among the college's employees and exploit the lofty goals of sports and start dedicating them in the minds of the college employees and stressed during his speech that the college relies a lot on the program in instilling and consolidating the health concepts of physical education and sports activity, including working with the concept of team spirit and realizing the correct dimension of sports competitions with the development of peaceful social trends and correct behavior through Some situations in games and competitions and give them self-confidence, and that the program will contribute to getting rid of psychological tension, emptying emotions, gaining social adaptation and raising the level of physical efficiency, which maintains the proper strength and increase production at work and direct the element of competition so that it is not a goal in itself, but a way to practice sports for all

Table Tennis Championship

The Student Activities Committee of the College held a table tennis tournament on Wednesday 29/4/1436 AH corresponding to 18/2/2015 AD in the sports hall of the College, under the supervision of His Excellency the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Adel bin Abdulrahman Al-Olayan, and the Secretary of Activities at the College, Mr. Hussein Al-Batayneh, and all academic departments participated in the tournament, where two students were selected from each department, and Mr. Abdullah bin Muqrin Al-Waili managed the match.

This tournament has achieved several objectives, including:

1- Raising awareness of the importance of sports to gain fitness, permanent activity and strengthen the body.

2- Taking advantage of the college's facilities, directing students' attention to the gym, and encouraging them to exercise on a daily basis in leisure time.

3- Knowing talented and distinguished students in table tennis and working to raise their technical and skill levels.

In the final round of the championship, Nasser bin Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Raidan in the Department of Islamic Studies was able to settle the result in his favor, after which the Department of Islamic Studies was crowned with the championship cup and gold medals.


The start of the Faculty of Dentistry football league

Under the directives of His Excellency the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Atram, and the follow-up of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Awwad Al-Harbi, football matches were launched for the college levels at the Education Department Stadium in Zulfi in order to invest students' time and because exercise will return them to maintain physical fitness and public health.

Partnerships and agreements with local and international bodies and with sports clubs locally and regionally

- The center signed a cooperation agreement with the Saudi Federation in the field of sports service

- The center signed a cooperation agreement with Al-Fayhaa Sports Club:


For the first time at the university, the university's six-football refresher championship starts with the participation of (18) teams

The university's refresher championship for football hexagons was launched with the participation of (18) teams, in the sports hall of the Deanship of Student Affairs, and organized and supervised by the Department of Sports and Scouting Activities at the Deanship, where the participating teams were divided into two groups, a group that includes students of Majmaah and Hotat Sudair colleges, and the second group includes students of Zulfi and Ghat colleges.

The tournament witnessed great competition and strong competitions between the participating teams, and the matches were characterized by the splendor of performance and the beauty of competition, and the tournament proceeds with a knockout system, where the first and second of each group qualify for the semi-finals, then the first meets the second and the second meets the first and the two winners play on the final of the tournament.

It is noteworthy that the championship is held for the first time at the university and aims to strengthen the bonds of acquaintance between university students and encourage them to compete honestly under the umbrella of honest sports, noting that the championship system was to form teams according to the students' desire and not restricted to college teams as usual, it is the right of the team to have its team among college students.

This was mentioned by the Director of the Sports and Scouting Activities Department at the Deanship, Mr. Nasser Al-Hanno, who expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, for his constant support, continuous follow-up and continuous encouragement for sports activities, and he also thanked all the participating teams and all employees from the Sports and Scouting Activities Department.


More than (80) students daily in the sports hall of the Deanship of Student Affairs


The sports hall of the Deanship of Student Affairs is an outlet for Majmaah University students, and the number of beneficiaries of this hall per day is estimated at about (83) students from different colleges, and it has witnessed remarkably rapid and rapid developments, and the gym is characterized by the following sections: -

1- Iron hall section. Students train under the supervision of the sports coach in beginner, intermediate and advanced programs, where the student sequences between these sports programs until he is able to practice the sport of bodybuilding properly, and thanks to God, the results of this section were distinctive, and many of those who suffer from excess bees benefited from raising their average weight to the ideal weight, as well as some students who suffer from stadium injuries benefited from this section and their rehabilitation program was successfully completed and they returned to their daily and sports activity with wellness and Safety .

2- Department of individual games. Students practice the sport of (table tennis) and the supervisor of the hall organizes for them individual and even competitions characterized by rivalry and competition that does not depart from the spirit and sports ethics.

3 - Department of football hexagons. Many students love football in general and students practice this sport regularly on the knockout method, and these competitions start from after the afternoon prayer until the Maghrib call to prayer.

4 - Department of electronic games and television shows. This section is frequented by many students to benefit from the services provided by the Deanship of Student Affairs, such as: viewing all international and local sports channels, PlayStation games, Internet service.

5 - Department of group exercises. The gym coach has organized a special program for students in which all aerobic exercises are practiced and aim to lose weight and raise the level of fitness, and this section is the essential thing for many students, because the number of attendees in this section exceeds forty students per day, all of whom train in an organized manner on these exercises, knowing that the time of this program is after the Maghrib prayer until the evening prayer.

The gym also benefits a number of faculty members, and some believe that the gym is his favorite place after a day of work, and the gym has contributed to creating a fun sports atmosphere, especially since providing such a place is considered the development of the student's personality and saving his time.

This was mentioned by the trainer Ali bin Mohammed Al-Ghailan, supervisor of the gym, who pointed out that these developments in the hall come as a result of continuous follow-up by His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, who always directs the need to pay attention to youth activities and programs that serve students.









The College of Computer and Information Sciences holds a table tennis tournament

Within the framework of the keenness of the College of Computer and Information Sciences to activate sports activity, raise awareness of the importance of sports, and monitor talented students athletically, the Student Activities Committee at the College organized a table tennis tournament for college students, on Monday, 23 Rajab 1439 AH in the college's sports hall, under the supervision of His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Shehri, and 16 students participated in the tournament with the defeated exit system.

After the draw and qualifying matches, which were dominated by the spirit of honest competition, the student Faisal bin Mohammed Abdul Mohsen Al-Zaben was able to reach the final round of the tournament and settle its result in his favor to win the championship award.


Entertainment Day


Within the framework of the activity plan of the Deanship of the Preparatory Year, the Vice Dean for Quality and Development was inaugurated on Tuesday 23/1/1435 AH. Dr. Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Shabanat on behalf of the supervisor of the Deanship Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and in the presence of the Vice Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Mr. Saud Al-Muqham, the activities of the open day of the Deanship, which was held in Prince Salman Sports City in Majmaah, in the presence of all preparatory year students and faculty members, and this meeting included cultural and sports programs and competitions, and the meeting concluded with the distribution of prizes to the winning teams, His Excellency the Vice Dean distributed the awards to the winning students of the various competitions.


The College of Computer and Information Sciences achieves second place in the university final for table tennis


Within the framework of the keenness of the College of Computer and Information Sciences to encourage sports activity and raise awareness of the importance of sports, the college team participated in the university's table tennis championship organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, in which the university's college teams participate, on Monday, September 27, 2021, and the team was able to reach the final rounds and obtain second place at the university level.

The college team was represented by students Khalid bin Musa bin Abdullah Al-Mousa, Yaqoub Yousef Hassan Al-Ainiya, and Nawaf bin Khalid bin Ibrahim Al-Shalhoub.

His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Shehri, and His Excellency the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Abdul Karim Al-Hussein, thanked the college team and the employees of the Student Activities Unit for their support to students and encouraging them to actively participate in the university's activities.



"Agile Ghat" Competition


"Agile Ghat" Competition


The Community Service Unit at the College of Science and Human Studies in Al-Ghat, with the support of the Deanship of Community Service, launched the Graceful Al-Ghat competition, where the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs and Supervisor of the Vice Deanship of Graduate Studies, Dr. Muhammad Al-Wonin, inaugurated on Sunday, 13/6/1438 AH.


This competition aims to reduce obesity and encourage exercise and healthy eating. Where the competition lasts 45 days, interspersed with daily sports classes and other accompanying programs such as the healthy dish and awareness programs to combat obesity, and this competition is held in the neighborhood club in Al-Ghat High School daily.


On this occasion, His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Omar Al-Omar, expressed his thanks and gratitude to the Dean of Community Service, His Excellency Dr. Omar Al-Sharifi, for their support for such activities, which have a positive impact on society, and he also expressed his thanks to the supervisor of the Community Service Unit at the College, Mr. Abdullah Al-Saadoun, and his distinguished efforts in this field.


Deanship of Student Affairs launches the first marathon of Majmaah University


Under the patronage and honor of His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and in the presence of His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Al-Afaisan, the Deanship of Student Affairs organized the Majmaah University Marathon under the slogan "My Sports, My Health is Titled", in which 180 runners from 17 teams from various agencies, colleges, deanships and departments of the university participated, and the arbitration management of a group of referees of the Saudi Athletics Federation, and His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs fired the starting shot at five o'clock in the afternoon, and at the end of the marathon, the sponsor of the ceremony honored Success partners contributing to the success of the marathon, namely the traffic of Majmaah Governorate, the General Administration of University Security, the General Administration of Public Relations and University Media, the General Administration of Services and the Medical Services Department, after which the marathon referees were honored by the sponsor of the marathon, and then the winning runners in the individuals and teams were honored, where the contestant Marwan Al-Moqbel from the College of Science won first place individually with a time of 20 minutes and 50 seconds, while Abdul Rahman Al-Jahlan from the College of Education in Zulfi came in second place with a time of 21 minutes and 22 seconds. And came third Moaz Mahmoud Zakaria from the General Administration of Facilities and Housing and came in fourth place Moaz Awad Ali from the College of Science and fifth Mohammed Al-Rabiah from the College of Dentistry and sixth Khaled Al-Awla from the College of Engineering and seventh Sultan Al-Marri from the College of Sciences and Humanities in Hotat Sudair and eighth Mohammed Omar from the Department of Grants and ninth Mohammed Al-Thubaiti from the College of Education in Majmaah and came tenth Sultan Al-Anzi from the College of Education in Zulfi and the individual awards were the gold medal and the amount of 3000 riyals for the first and the silver medal and the amount of 2000 riyals for the second and the bronze medal and the amount of 1000 for the third and from the fourth to the tenth amount of 300 The results of the teams came in third place and bronze medals Grants management team and the second and silver medals College of Engineering While the College of Education in Zulfi achieved the first place cup and gold medals At the end of the coronation, memorial photos were taken on this occasion The organization of this activity comes from the Deanship of Student Affairs' belief in the importance of sports on human health and spreading the culture of the importance of sport for health This was mentioned by the head of the Department of Sports and Scouting Activities, Mr. Nasser Al-Hanoo Who extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Al-Afaisan, for his continuous support, to His Excellency the Vice Dean for Student Activities, Dr. Shadi Al-Shuwaier, for his follow-up and guidance, and to all success partners, runners, marathon referees, and all his colleagues in the sports and scouting department for the efforts made to make the marathon a success.


Deanship of Student Affairs opens the iron hall


On a special evening filled with joy, the Deanship of Student Affairs opened the Department of the Iron Hall in the sports hall and honored the students and a number of faculty members participating in the sports hall programs in honor of Student Affairs Day Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi The ceremony began with a recitation of the Holy Quran by the student / Saleh Al-Dosari, and then His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, went to open the Iron Hall Department, where His Excellency was accompanied by a number of employees of the Deanship of Student Affairs, In this tour, the mechanism of work of the devices was explained to His Excellency the Dean and provided an overview of the advantages of the new devices that were recently purchased, then an open meeting was held n students in which His Excellency the Dean answered the students' questions and after this meeting was a presentation of self-training by a group of students who presented a set of exercises followed by a presentation of karate arts that dazzled the attendees.

At the end of the ceremony, the sports hall, under the auspices of the Dean of Student Affairs, presented shields to all those attending the evening sports hall, and His Excellency the Dean urged the importance of the role of practicing sports for the individual, especially students, because of their health benefits and the use of free time.


Majmaah University sponsors the twenty-third equestrian race under the patronage of His Excellency the President of the University

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Rector of Majmaah University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, Majmaah Equestrian Evaluation Evaluation of its twenty-third ceremony on the Majmaah University Cup and Awards, on Monday, 30/5/1435 AH, at four o'clock in the afternoon. This was mentioned by His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, who explained that this sponsorship comes from the university's role in achieving a community partnership with all segments of society, and this participation is represented in the sports partnership with the field of the Equestrian Club in Majmaah, and this partnership was preceded by other sports community companies, whether with youth welfare offices or sports clubs in the governorates covered by the university's services.

Dr. Al-Qumaizi called on all equestrian sports lovers to attend this race, and expressed his thanks for the efforts made by the Equestrian Club in achieving the goals of this ancient sport, represented by the club's director, Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Thumairy. He pointed out that this participation with the club is the start of future equestrian participations.

Dr. Al-Qumaizi thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, for his constant support for all activities and programs that benefit the students of the university in particular, and the people of the governorates covered by the university's services in general, and for his generous sponsorship of this race, which is an incentive for participants and lovers of this sport.


The College of Engineering participates in the university marathon

The College of Engineering participates in the university marathon

The College of Engineering participated in the Majmaah University Marathon Championship, which was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, under the patronage and honor of His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, in which a large number of university employees, including students, faculty members and employees, participated on Tuesday afternoon on 5/7/144 AH.

The large sports marathon was organized, which is in line with the Kingdom's vision to raise the rate of exercise in the community to reach one million Saudi athletes by 2030, and the large marathon competition reached a distance of five kilometers within the campus and the number of participants is eighty runners.

The college participated with fifteen contestants from faculty members, employees and students, and the College of Engineering won the second place awards Dr. Mahmoud Owais, the fourth employee Majid Atti bin Khuthaila, the sixth employee Abdullah bin Suleiman Al-Meshal, and the eighth Dr. Abdullah bin Ali Al-Muhaisen for faculty members and employees, and the college won in the student category the second place cup for the student Ahmed Al-Majyoul among the students participating in the championship.

The award ceremony was attended by His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Rumaih, and His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khalid bin Ibrahim Al-Afaisan, and the winners of the major sporting event were honored with a financial reward in recognition of their efforts and great sportsmanship during the distinguished sports tournament.


Deanship of Student Affairs: The sports hall benefits more than (250) students daily in the evening period

Based on the directives of His Excellency the President of the University, and in order to distinguish all the activities provided by the Deanship of Student Affairs to the students of the university, His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, visited the sports hall supervised by the Deanship of Student Affairs and located at the Community College in Majmaah, in order to see the progress of work in it and the various sports services provided through it to university students.

Where Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Brahim, the administrative supervisor of the hall, briefed His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs on the electronic program associated with the university's electronic portal, through which beneficiaries are registered daily from the hall, and the name of the dean was registered in the program and its number was (263), and Mr. Al-Brahim explained that the number of beneficiaries of the hall per day exceeds (250) students.

Then His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Al-Qumaizi, reviewed the sports equipment and tools used by students in the iron hall, and met with the students who practice sports inside this hall, and spoke to them, where the student Omar Al-Shalhoub from the College of Engineering said: The gym is a suitable place to spend his free time and practice his hobbies, and the student said: Musab Al-Ghalbi: I am very enjoying the hall, although it needs to increase some equipment.

Then His Excellency the Dean visited the Swedish exercise hall and various sports and watched the students playing these games and met with some of them, where the student: Basil Al-Fraih from the College of Preparatory Year, said that the number of students increased in the hall after the expansion that occurred recently, while the student Abdullah Al-Hindawi from the College of Computer Science said that we want an additional hall because the number is increasing day by day.

After hearing the impressions and suggestions of the students, His Excellency Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, Dean of Student Affairs, explained that the directives of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, always emphasize the need to provide all possibilities for the convenience of university students, and His Excellency explained that all their proposals will receive all care and attention, and urged them to adhere to Islamic values and high morals in dealing with each other and to be an expressive model for their university.


His Excellency the President of the University sponsors and supervises the final of the His Excellency Futsal Cup and crowns the College of Science with the championship cup

Under the patronage and honor of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, the Deanship of Student Affairs concluded the Rector's Cup for futsal in the final match that brought together the teams of the College of Science and the College of Engineering, and ended with the victory of the College of Science with a score of 2/5. Medical for their medical supervision of the championship matches and the General Administration of Operation and Maintenance for their contribution to the success of the tournament After that, the tournament referees were honored behind Al-Sugair, Nayef Al-Muraikhi, Musaed Al-Mishari and Abdullah Al-Jandal, and then His Excellency honored the student Abdul Mohsen Al-Mulaifi from the College of Science with the best player cup in the tournament, the student Bader Al-Masoudi from the College of Engineering with the best goalkeeper cup in the tournament, and the student Abdul Mohsen Al-Mulaifi from the College of Engineering with the top scorer cup of the tournament, after which the College of Business Administration team was honored with bronze medals for obtaining third place And the team of the College of Engineering with silver medals for obtaining second place, and the College of Science team with gold medals and the championship cup, and at the end of the honoring, memorial photos were taken with His Excellency, and then the students of the media club took a simplified meeting with His Excellency in advance of his blessing to the winners and urged his students to pay attention to practicing sports without affecting their academic achievement or dereliction in their religious and life duties, It is noteworthy that the final of the championship was attended by His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rumaih, and His Excellency the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Shaya and a number of Their Excellencies the deans of the faculties, their agents and directors of departments mentioned this The head of the Sports and Scout Activity Department, Mr. Nasser Al-Hanno, who extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs for his support, guidance and follow-up, and to all success partners, tournament referees, all players, administrative and technical devices of the championship teams, and all his colleagues from the Deanship and the Sports Department, for his part, His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Al-Afaisan, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University for sponsoring and honoring the final of the His Excellency the Cup His Excellency also extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs for his attendance, guidance and follow-up to all programs and activities of the Deanship.


His Excellency the President of the University sponsors and supervises the final of the His Excellency Futsal Cup and crowns the College of Science with the championship cup

Under the patronage and honor of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, the Deanship of Student Affairs concluded the Rector's Cup for futsal, in the final match that brought together the College of Science and the College of Engineering, and ended with the victory of the College of Science with a score of 2/5, and at the end of the match, His Excellency the President of the University honored the success partners with commemorative shields provided by the Deanship of Student Affairs, where he honored the university's pioneers schools for hosting the championship matches and the General Administration of University Security for their security supervision of the championship matches. And the Department of Medical Services for their medical supervision of the championship matches, and the General Administration of Operation and Maintenance for their contribution to the success of the tournament, after which the tournament referees were honored behind Al-Sogair, Nayef Al-Muraikhi, Musaed Al-Mishari, and Abdullah Al-Jandal, and then His Excellency honored the student Abdul Mohsen Al-Mulaifi from the College of Science with the best player cup in the tournament, and the student Badr Al-Masoudi from the College of Engineering with the best goalkeeper cup in the tournament, and the student Abdul Mohsen Al-Mulaifi from the College of Engineering with the championship top scorer cup, After that, the College of Business Administration team was honored with bronze medals for obtaining third place, the College of Engineering team with silver medals for obtaining second place, and the College of Science team with gold medals and the championship cup, and at the end of the honoring, memorial photos were taken with His Excellency, and then the students of the media club took a simplified meeting with His Excellency, offering his blessing to the winners, and urging his students to pay attention to practicing sports without affecting their academic achievement, Or negligence in their religious and life duties, it is noteworthy that the final of the tournament was attended by His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rumaih, His Excellency the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Shaya, and a number of Their Excellencies the deans of the faculties, their agents and directors of departments, this was mentioned by the Head of the Department of Sports and Scout Activity, Mr. Nasser Al-Hanno, who expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs for his support, guidance and follow-up, and to all success partners, tournament referees, all players, administrative and technical bodies of the championship teams and all His colleagues are employees of the Deanship and the Sports Department. For his part, His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Al-Afaisan, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University for sponsoring and honoring the final of the His Excellency the Futsal Cup, and for his constant support for the Deanship, and His Excellency also extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs for his attendance, guidance and follow-up to all programs and activities of the Deanship.


Affordable Food for All


Medical Services announces the opening of the nutrition clinic at the University Medical Center


Medical Services announces the opening of a nutrition clinic

Under the supervision of nutrition consultant Dr. Fahad Al-Dhafiri

And that is on Sunday of every week from 8 to 11 am

And that is at the University Medical Center in medical services opposite your credit in Majmaah

You must book an appointment in advance

For booking an appointment call ( 5261 016404)

Note - Receives women in the presence of a mahram


Deanship of Student Affairs reviews King Khalid Hospital's experience in the field of nutrition

In the interest of the Deanship of Student Affairs to continue to provide distinguished student services, and in order to develop nutrition services in various fields during the next academic year 1436/1437 AH, a delegation from the Deanship of Student Affairs, headed by His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, accompanied by the Director of the Department, Mr. Khalid Al-Otaibi, Mr. Faisal Al-Subaie, Nutritionist at the Deanship, and Mr. Issa Al-Issa, Nutrition Administrator, visited King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah to learn about the hospital's experience and expertise in providing nutrition services to patients and employees and to meet with the staff Administrative and technical staff in the hospital restaurant.

The visit included the hospital's restaurant and its various facilities, and to learn about the types and components of the meals provided to the beneficiaries, as well as how to supply and store foodstuffs, how to prepare them, preserve them, distribute them to patients and provide them.

At the end of the visit, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Al-Qumaizi, expressed his thanks to the management of King Khalid Hospital for their cooperation, and appreciated the distinguished efforts made by the administration and the operating company in the field of nutrition within the hospital.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Al-Qumaizi, indicated that such visits come in accordance with the directives of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, aimed at continuous development in the services provided by the university to its students, and that these field visits carried out by the Deanship are followed up by His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rumaih.


SFDA Receives a Delegation of College Students During a Systematic Visit


The Saudi Food and Drug Authority received at its headquarters a delegation of students of the College of Medicine at Majmaah University on Tuesday, 2/4/1434 AH, and the students were received by a number of drug sector employees.

Where they briefed them on the procedures and workflow in the drug sector by introducing the sector and its departments, in addition to a number of introductory lectures on the electronic systems in the authority, their role in enacting regulations and the process of issuing licenses for new medicines and pharmaceutical products, and how to deal with imported medicines, and the students were also briefed on the mechanism of work of the National Center for Vigilance and Drug Safety, and the mechanism for reporting side effects of
medication. It is worth noting that the SFDA always aims to educate the community in all its categories Especially student visits, by providing a number of introductory presentations with the aim of spreading health awareness and the culture of medicine and its importance.


A community initiative entitled "Food Allergy in Children"

A community initiative entitled "Food Allergy in Children"

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit in the female sections, in cooperation with doctors from the Primary Health Care Center in Al-Nahda in Hotat Sudair, organized a community initiative entitled "Food Allergy in Children" on Monday 1443/8/18 AH at the Protocol Hall, presented by Dr. Daa Rajab, Dr. Al-Jawhara Al-Absi, and Nursing Specialist / Al-Rashidi formula, It included the following axes:

Some foods are allergenic (beware of their presence in your food).

The most important and common symptoms of allergies (as they vary from person to person and from one attack to another in the same person).

The difference between lactose intolerance and milk and food allergy.

Wheat allergy and its symptoms.

Peanut allergy and its symptoms.

Treatment of food allergy by one of the methods (antihistamines or an emergency injection of epinephrine)

Symptoms of food allergy in infants, methods of prevention and treatment method.

The initiative aimed to educate the local community and college staff about the sensitivity of children, its prevalence and its danger.


Holding a training course on healthy food culture within the activities of the Community Service Week

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice Deanship for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research - Community Service Unit - held a training course in the female section on: (Culture of healthy food) on Wednesday, 18/7/1439 AH in the training hall of the college. The course was presented by Ms. Naima Al-Husseini.


The University Implements a Workshop at the Food and Drug Authority entitled Reviewing the Occupational Safety and Health Management System

The University Implements a Workshop at the Food and Drug Authority entitled Reviewing the Occupational Safety and Health Management System

Based on the memorandum of cooperation between the university and the Saudi Food and Drug Authority, the University Vice-Rectorate, represented by the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, implemented a workshop entitled Review of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System, presented by the Director General of the Department, Mr. Abdulelah bin Abdullah Al-Mutairi, which represents the first step of the program to support the efforts of the Food and Drug Authority to develop the work environment and achieve a safe and distinguished work environment.


On the occasion of World Food Day, the Deanship of Student Affairs carries out an awareness campaign in cooperation with the College of Medicine

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, and as an extension of the Deanship's role in participating in local and international events, the Deanship of Student Affairs held on the occasion of World Food Day and in cooperation with the College of Medicine an awareness campaign on food, healthy habits and comprehensive measurement under the title (Choose your dish), in two periods, morning and evening, where the opening ceremony was held in the lobby of the Deanship. In the evening in the lobby of Panda markets, where the campaign included five stations, starting with the comprehensive measurement station, in which the body mass index (body mass index, BMI) is measured, and then transferred to the station of the benefits of healthy and indicative food, and then the office exercise station, in which some important exercises were displayed that are applied in the office, and increase the fitness of the body, and help reduce some injuries, then the visitor moves to the station Choose your juice and choose your salad, and the campaign concludes with the gift station And the children's section, in which some awareness leaflets and gifts were distributed, and some introductory presentations were presented on the importance of food and healthy habits, especially the recommended exercises, and the campaign received a distinguished turnout from university students and parents who expressed their admiration and praise for the campaign, as the number of attendees reached 300 visitors from various classes of society, and Dr. Al-Qumaizi raised his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, for the support and guidance received by the Deanship of Student Affairs from His Excellency, who It contributes effectively to the excellence of the Deanship and the quality of its programs, and wished the students participating in this campaign success and payment.


An introductory program for the arts of healthy eating, female section

Within the programs of the Student Activities Unit, the female section of the college, an introductory program was held for the arts of healthy eating, where the students began to provide a variety of healthy food that provides a person with energy, vitality, activity and health, so attention to the quality of food has a role in increasing the percentage of intelligence and balance in psychological and nervous emotions, and at the end of the program, food was distributed to students and encouraged them to pay attention to that.


The Deanship of Student Affairs presents nutrition contractors with an awareness bag

Within the Deanship's readiness to receive university students for the new academic year and provide everything that would improve the student services provided, and in a new qualitative gesture, the Deanship Nutrition Department adopted a project to distribute an awareness bag to all nutrition contractors in the faculties of the university with the aim of health and environmental education for the food provided by them, which is therefore due to the quality of the product and its health safety, which ultimately returns to provide healthy and pure food for university students, and this bag contains brochures and brochures explaining food preservation methods and important steps for keepers and cross-contamination And the types of bacteria mentioned this, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Mr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Faham, who stressed the keenness and guidance of His Excellency the Deanship of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qumaizi, for everything that serves university students, including and the most important nutrition provided to them, to be healthy and sound For his part, Dr. Al-Qumaizi urged all contractors to the importance of awareness of how to preserve food and make it one of the most important necessities for contractors and education in this by visiting the Food and Drug Authority website and other specialized sites Thus, and taking into account what was stated therein, Al-Qumaizi stressed the Deanship's keenness on the safety of all university students and that it is one of the priorities of the Deanship and student services in the nutrition services provided.


World Obesity Day

Within the activities of the World Anti-Obesity Day, the Department of Islamic Studies held on Sunday, 1437/2/17 AH from 9.30 to 11.30 in the college yard a program under the title "Health Track" under the supervision of Dr. Saadia Ali Al-Kabir, where the program included an introductory corner on the harms of obesity and the importance of healthy food, a corner for measuring weights, knowing the ideal weight, and a walking track corner, and introductory leaflets were distributed on the importance of vitamins, and at the end of the program healthy hospitality was provided to the attendees.

The College of Applied Medical Sciences Holds an Awareness Campaign for Healthy Nutrition "Nutritional Concepts"

Within the framework of the interest of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in the World Health Food Day and based on the directives of His Excellency Dr. Fahd bin Khalid Al-Dhafiri, Dean of the College, the Community Service Unit at the Vice Deanship for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research carried out on Monday, 25/02/1437 AH, an awareness campaign at Sheikh Abdullah Al-Anqari High School in Majmaah Governorate. Where a delegation from the Community Service Unit visited Sheikh Abdullah Al-Anqari High School and implemented an awareness campaign on "healthy food concepts" and was attended by nearly sixty students in secondary grades and a group of school teachers who welcomed the delegation and expressed their gratitude and thanks to the administration of Majmaah University, headed by His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, for the university's tireless efforts in community service through awareness campaigns held by the various units in the faculties of the university. Mohamed Siam, thanking and appreciating the school administration on behalf of His Excellency the Dean of the College for hosting this awareness campaign on nutritional concepts, and then the presentation of Dr. Iyad Nagy began, and the presentation included many discussions and interventions from students who enriched their interaction with this seminar, accompanied by the work of food cultural competitions on healthy food and the distribution of a number of awards to the attendees. And measures of ideal weight and obesity. Thanks were extended to the students and the attendance of the school's teachers who expressed their happiness and desire to repeat such awareness meetings in order to benefit from the scientific and medical expertise that Majmaah University abounds in. At the end of the meeting, quality gifts were distributed to the students and souvenir photos were taken with the attendees.


Sexual and Reproductive Health-Care Services


University Medical Service

Majmaah University started its health services in the year 1432H. His Excellency the Rector Majmaah University, Dr. Khaled Bin Saad Al-Miqran inaugurated the medical services and put the first block for medical services aiming to serve the university students and the community. It provides the primary diagnostic health care, therapeutic and preventive care.


Enabling the medical services at Majmaah University to become pioneer and distinctive in accordance to the global health standards towards a community free from diseases and employing a skilled, professional and trained workforce to provide health, educational and research high quality services


Provide high quality primary, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care. These services should be provided through highly qualified health cadres to serve the university and its branches’ affiliates, employees and teaching staff. Islamic values & principles should be observed.


A. Work as a team and cooperate to achieve goals.

B. Excellence and pursuit of development and quality.

C. Credibility in words and deeds.

D. Creativity at work within the medical guidelines.

E. Serving patients and visitors are key priorities.

F. Trust and mutual respect.

G. Justice and equality.

H. Commitment and order.


That medical service becomes the nucleus to the Educational Hospital, which serves the educational and health process for all health colleges.

A. Attract efficient and highly qualified human resources in all areas of medical and medical support specialties.

B. Allow to train male & female students in various disciplines to gain the training skills.

C. Provide the community with a high quality service in the fields of health care and education, cooperation with health institutions in the Kingdom, participation in awareness and cultural programs & events through mobile medical services.

D. Provide high quality service to the university affiliates, employees and students; in addition to providing the patient needs of medications…etc.

E. Carry out scientific and applied researches to serve the educational and health process.

F. Issue medical journals and provide advanced medical equipment to services and branches.

G. Participate in therapeutic and diagnostic programs in coordination with various government parties such as the Ministry of Health and Red Crescent. Organize blood donation campaigns and comprehensive tests to all community members and for other categories that are subject to certain diseases such as children, elderly people and laborers.

H. Establishment of clinics for chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, asthma and others; in addition to and other educational and supporting the therapeutic process.

Tasks of medical services and clinics

A. Providing primary health care in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation form.

B. Dealing with initial emergency cases inside and outside the medical services such as fainting, renal colic and epilepsy, and others.

C. Following-up the chronic cases such as diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases and asthma.

D. Dealing with emergencies such as wounds, burns, fractures and transfer to the hospital if needed.

E. Referring medical cases that require secondary care to hospitals.

F. Granting sick leaves for male & female students and affiliates within the limits of power.

G. Recording names of male and female reviewers at each medical clinic in a special record that can be referred to when necessary or by using electronic system.

H. Receiving cases transferred from the Student Counseling & Academic Department, show impact of health status on the student level & study and submit a medical report about this.

I. Saving issued and received medical reports, sick leaves and circulars.

J. Receiving medicines and medical supplies requests and ensure validity before receipt in accordance to the pertaining controls.

K. Dispensing medicines and medical supplies and record this for purposes of monthly and annual inventory.

L. Preparing and providing the annual requirement of medicines and medical supplies.

M. Vaccinating against infectious diseases.

N. Coordinating and cooperating with other governmental institutions and provide them with reports about excess or surplus cases in accordance to pertaining controls.

O. Controlling the epidemic parasitic and infectious diseases and limit their spread.

P. Supervising the buffets of colleges and departments regarding health, environmental conditions and their conformity with health conditions. Also, check the availability of health certificates for all staff working in these buffets in order to maintain the safety of male & female students and affiliates of the Mother & Child Health Care Department.

Q. Preparing a detailed annual report about medical services works, taking care to mention the difficulties and proposals for work development there and submit these reports to the university deputy Rector.

R. Disseminating health awareness through educational lectures within and outside the university and produce brochures to increase health awareness on the level of individual, family and community about the problems and dangers threatening the health and ways of prevention.

S. Developing a plan for health services and health cultural awareness of each semester.

T. Working with related parties to monitor environment improvement, safety of drinking water and food in addition to paying attention to proper healthy nutrition and raise awareness about them.


Check-up Mechanism Followed at Medical Services

A. Data entry of clinic visitors by the employee in charge at the reception.

B. The visitor will be received, his full data entered according to his university ID card. A file will be opened for each visitor according to eligibility for treatment at Medical Services.

C. The male or female nurse shall perform the pre-test procedures (blood pressure testing – temperature...etc.) then the patient is referred to the test room to be examined by the doctor.

D. Visitor who is suffering a chronic disease will have a color file depending on the type of disease.

E. After completion of medical test, the visitor shall go to the pharmacy for medication dispensing.

F. The pharmacist shall write the medicine instructions clearly for the patient.

G. Visitor who needs nursing care (injection - intravenous solution - dressing - compresses - oxygen -ventolin) is transferred to the nurse to be given the desired care according to the physician instructions.

H. Visitor who needs lab investigation shall be referred to the lab technician or to hospital if lab is not available for analysis.

I. Visitor who needs rest should fill the pertaining form after receiving a letter from his place of work in order to complete the procedures according to regulations of reports & vacations.

J. Student who is suffering from psychological problems shall be referred to the specialist for treatment.

K. When Health Services report about an emergency case within the premises of the university or college, the nurse should try first aid then, if necessary, transfer the case by ambulance to the nearest hospital.

L. Perform field tours within examination halls to ensure the safety of students

The University Medical Center opens its specialized clinics to receive patients

Majmaah University

The University Medical Center at the university announced the opening of its specialized clinics to receive visitors from the university's employees, students and their families, within the framework of facilitating access to health care services and improving their quality.

Where the center began to receive its patients in specialized clinics, which included the Neurology Clinic, the Internal Medicine Clinic, the Children's Clinic, the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, and the Family Medicine Clinic, and the process of booking appointments at the center is done through the number: 0164043333 by direct call, or by WhatsApp message.

For his part, the Executive Director of the Center, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Harbi, stated that the Center includes a group of distinguished medical staff in a number of qualitative specialties, and is equipped with the latest necessary medical equipment, with the aim of working to raise the quality of treatment and health services in it, and indicated that the Center continues to update its strategic plan to develop its services provided to university employees, by working to increase the number of medical clinics, develop the performance of health practitioners in it, and work to achieve the goals of Vision 2030. in the development of health services.

Dr. Al-Harbi thanked the leadership of the university, represented by its president, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, for his continuous support with everything the medical center needs, and to the Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Muslim bin Muhammad Al-Dosari, for his continuous follow-up and guidance to the center for continuous development.


Opening of the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer


The Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, opened the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer, which is held by the university during the period from 7-1441/2/13 AH in Majmaah Mall daily from four to nine in the evening, and in cooperation with King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah, who was represented during the exhibition by Ms. Hanan bint Abdulrahman Al-Suwaiqi, as well as the Abdul Latif Center for Early Detection of Cancer, where the center provided a vehicle equipped for direct detection, and the opening was attended by a number of From the employees of the Ministry of Health.


Launching the development plan for medical services at the university

Majmaah University

Within the framework of the university's endeavor to raise the quality of medical and health care and services, the Medical Services Department launched its development plan, which includes the opening of the neurological clinic, the heart clinic, and the chronic diseases clinic - such as hypertension, diabetes and glands - in addition to the previous clinics such as general medicine, dental, ear, nose and throat, dermatology, obstetrics and gynecology clinic, family medicine and internal medicine, psychiatry, endocrinology clinic, and children.

For his part, the Executive Director of Medical Services, Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Obaid Al-Harbi, indicated that this comes within the work of developing the performance of medical services at the university, and based on its executive plan under the guidance of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, and the follow-up of the Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Muslim bin Muhammad Al-Dosari, by providing all the needs of clinics and providing some qualitative devices such as an EEG device to follow up and diagnose neurological diseases such as epilepsy, strokes and others.

Stressing that the medical team in the administration works professionally to receive all reviewers, including employees, faculty members, university students and their families from Sunday to Thursday from eight in the morning until three in the afternoon, and the service of communication and booking appointments has been made available through the number: (0164045260).


The Vice President of the University inspects the headquarters of medical services in the university city in Majmaah

Majmaah University

The Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Musallam bin Muhammad Al-Dosari, paid an inspection visit to the headquarters of the Medical Services Department in the University City in Majmaah, in order to see the equipment of the headquarters of the medical clinics and work to raise the quality of care and health services in it.  

The Executive Director of Medical Services, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Harbi, reviewed the work of the medical teams of the Vice President of the University, and how to develop strategic plans to develop health services provided to university employees, including: preparing to increase the number of medical clinics, developing the performance of health practitioners in them, and working to achieve the goals of Vision 2030 in developing health services.

At the end of his visit, the Vice President stated that the new headquarters for medical services is a qualitative leap for it, as it will help the administration with all its components and equipment in achieving its vision and mission in serving the university's employees and the local community in providing treatment services and spreading health culture, which contributes to providing university services to the beneficiaries in an appropriate manner that enables them to benefit from the medical expertise available at the university through the distinguished academic elite in the medical field in the various faculties of the university.

At the end of his speech, the Vice President of the University expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the staff in the administration, and the participating parties for their efforts and their role in the remarkable and tangible development reached by the administration's services.  


His Excellency the President of the University sponsors the conclusion of the training program to qualify those who are about to get married

Majmaah University


Within the framework of the university's efforts for community development, His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, sponsored the closing ceremony of the training program (Rehabilitation of those who are about to get married), which was implemented by the university represented by the Family and Child Care Center at the Social Responsibility Observatory, in partnership with the Ibrahim Al-Sultan Charitable Foundation.

The ceremony, which was held on this occasion at the Ibrahim Al-Sultan Cultural Center in the city of Tamir, included a speech by His Excellency the President of the University, in which he congratulated all the participants on joining this program, as well as on the happy occasion of the marriage project, praying to God for them success and payment in the future of their family life, His Excellency also thanked the Ibrahim Al-Sultan Charitable Foundation for its contribution to the aspect of family rehabilitation for those about to get married, as well as for its partnership with the university.

It is worth mentioning that the university, represented by the Family and Childhood Center at the Social Responsibility Observatory, in partnership with the Ibrahim Al-Sultan Charitable Foundation, annually evaluates the qualitative training program represented in qualifying those who are about to get married through a group of university experts specialized in the field of family development.


Participation of the Department of Kindergarten at the College of Education in Majmaah in breast cancer awareness activities

  Within the activities held by the College of Education in Majmaah in the female sections to raise awareness of breast cancer, the Department of Kindergarten at the College participated in an event that included awareness of breast cancer, its psychological and social effects, the accompanying symptoms, and treatment methods , on Tuesday , 4/2/1439e.


Breast Cancer Campaign Equipment

In cooperation with the Department of Relations and Media, the General Administration of Operation and Maintenance has prepared the arrangements for the October campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer under the supervision of Mr. Fahid Al-Mutairi - Female Student Complex in Majmaah


Awareness Campaign Entitled "Breast Cancer" 

Under the guidance of His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Omar bin Muhammad Al-Omar, and the follow-up of Her Excellency the Vice Dean for Female Sections, Ms. Reem bint Abdul Razzaq Al-Mutairi, the College of Sciences and Human Studies in Al-Ghat, in cooperation with Prince Nasser bin Saad Al-Sudairy Hospital, held an awareness campaign entitled "Breast Cancer" on Wednesday, 11/6/1441 AH in the training hall of the college and in the presence of the doctor at the hospital, Rasha Zaki, where she talked about breast cancer, its causes, the need for early detection, methods of prevention and treatment, and a number of students attended, and the campaign also included a number of One of the corners contains distributions and awareness publications in which the Department of Business Administration, the Department of English and the Department of Computer Science participated.

Her Excellency the Vice Dean of the College honored the doctor and thanked Prince Nasser bin Saad Al-Sudairy Hospital for his constant and continuous cooperation with the college.


Socio-cultural program on breast cancer

The Department of English Language, under the supervision of Dr. Ihsan Abdel Qader, in cooperation with the Student Activities Unit, held a (socio-cultural) program on breast cancer on Thursday, 1438/2/24 AH at the college theater.

Where Dr. Najwa Suleiman Ahmed, Family and Community Medicine Specialist, Director of the Health Unit for Girls in Hotat Sudair, was hosted, and she spoke in detail about the causes of the disease, its symptoms, methods of detection, early detection and how to prevent it (in Arabic and English), and the program was attended by a large number of college employees, female employees and students, and during the program the method of early detection of the disease was presented to the audience in a simplified way at home to ensure the safety of the person from the symptoms of the disease.



Seminar entitled (Breast Cancer) in the Female Section

On Thursday 23/2/1440 AH, the Public Relations Unit at the Female Section of the College of Sciences and Human Studies in Ramah held a symposium (Breast Cancer) in the educational building, which was attended by the Vice Dean of the College, department coordinators, vice deans, a number of members, administrators, and students' mothers.


Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Entitled (Don't Be Confused)


Under the guidance of His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Omar bin Muhammad Al-Omar, and the follow-up of the Vice Dean for Female Sections, Ms. Reem Abdul Razzaq Al-Mutairi, the College of Sciences and Humanities in Al-Ghat, represented by the Student Activity Unit, held on Tuesday, 16/2/1441 AH, an awareness campaign on breast cancer entitled (Do not be confused), in cooperation with Prince Nasser Al-Sudairy Hospital and in the presence of the hospital's doctor, Rasha Zaki, where she talked about breast cancer, its causes and the need for early detection through a PowerPoint presentation. The campaign also included a number of corners containing awareness distributions and publications in which the Department of Business Administration, the Department of English Language and the Department of Computer Science participated.


The University Holds a Campaign for Early Detection of Breast Cancer


Under the patronage of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, the Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, launched the early detection campaign for breast cancer, during a ceremony held on this occasion, which is held by the university in conjunction with the global campaign that was approved to be activated during the month of October of each year.

The ceremony began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, then the Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher Al-Omar, delivered a speech on this occasion, during which he talked about the objectives of the campaign and the university's efforts in this field, whether during this year or in previous years, and the most important achievements during it, after that, an introductory film was presented about the early detection of breast cancer, and an introductory lecture on breast cancer prepared by the College of Medicine was presented after the ceremony.

During the campaign, a number of events and lectures will be held remotely, including a lecture on breast cancer awareness presented by Dr. Musaed Raiza, on the first day of the campaign, from eight to nine in the evening via the link: (, and on the second day a lecture presented by Dr. Saad bin Mansour Al-Qahtani, entitled (Breast Cancer Awareness), from nine to ten in the morning via the link: (

The campaign, which the university is keen to organize every year, aims to educate community women about the danger of breast cancer, ways to prevent it, and early detection, through many different means and levels, which target all women of society.



Opening of the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer


The Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, opened the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer, which is held by the university during the period from 7-1441/2/13 AH in Majmaah Mall daily from four to nine in the evening, and in cooperation with King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah, who was represented during the exhibition by Ms. Hanan bint Abdulrahman Al-Suwaiqi, as well as the Abdul Latif Center for Early Detection of Cancer, where the center provided a vehicle equipped for direct detection, and the opening was attended by a number of From the employees of the Ministry of Health.



Scientific symposium on breast cancer at the College of Sciences and Human Studies in Ramah


The Public Relations Unit at the College - Female Section - held a symposium on breast cancer presented by Specialist: Fayza Al-Enezi from Ramah General Hospital, and the symposium included a definition of the disease, the method of its detection, the importance of early detection and its impact on treatment, and one of the objectives of the symposium was to raise awareness of the disease and promote the culture of early detection and the initiative to do so and spread this culture among college students.


The University Holds an Educational Awareness Exhibition for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer

The Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, opened the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer, which is held by the university during the period from 7-1441/2/13 AH in Majmaah Mall daily from four to nine in the evening, and in cooperation with King Khalid Hospital in Majmaah, who was represented during the exhibition by Ms. Hanan bint Abdulrahman Al-Suwaiqi, as well as the Abdul Latif Center for Early Detection of Cancer, where the center provided a vehicle equipped for direct detection, and the opening was attended by a number of From the employees of the Ministry of Health.

The exhibition, which the university is keen to organize every year, aims to educate the women of the community about the danger of breast cancer, ways to prevent it, and early detection, and the exhibition included a special vehicle for the detection of breast cancer equipped for this purpose by the Abdul Latif Center for Early Detection of Cancer, and it also contained a number of pavilions and awareness and educational corners, which included many means of publications, introductory films and souvenirs presented to visitors, in addition to the presence of a number of specialists. In this field to provide consulting and educational services.

The exhibition has received a large number of visitors since its opening, with the aim of reviewing its contents and pillars, increasing their awareness and health culture in this aspect, and seeking advice from specialists in the exhibition.


An awareness program for students and employees of the College of Engineering about breast cancer

An awareness program for college students and employees about breast cancer,

The administration of the College of Engineering in the female sections, in partnership with the administration of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, conducted an awareness program for female students and employees of the college about breast cancer, its causes, treatment methods and methods of prevention, in the lobby of the College of Engineering #جامعة_المجمعة #كلية_الهندسة



World Breast Cancer Day

The College of Education, represented by the Vice Deanship of Student Affairs, in cooperation with the Department of Kindergarten, the Department of Educational Sciences, the Department of Islamic Studies, the Department of Special Education and the Department of Biology, held a program (World Breast Cancer Day) onTuesday, 1441/3/1 AH. At nine o'clock in the morning.

TheQassam participated in celebrating Breast Cancer Day with a set of pillars and active participations that shed light on this disease, its causes, symptoms and ways to prevent it.

The corners were filled with a corner for breast cancer awareness, where positive messages were sent to patients, and contained aprominent fruit that works significantly to raise immunity andstop the spread of breast cancer.

A visual presentation was made on thesymptoms of breast cancer, its prevalence among women and men, and ways to prevent it.

As well as brochures with phrases forwhat isevil on the American health care website.

Breast cancer and associated symptoms were distributed.

The event concluded with the presentation of illustrative pictures of the method of self-examination for breast cancer.


The University Concludes the Activities of the Educational Awareness Exhibition for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer

The activities of the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer, which was held by the university under the slogan: (Do not neglect any signal), were concluded yesterday evening, and targeted the women of the community, where the supervisor of the event, Mr. Faisal bin Muhammad Al-Otaibi, Director of the Public Relations Unit at the university, stated that the exhibition witnessed a remarkable and distinguished presence since its opening, as the number of visitors to the exhibition approached 600 visitors, and the number of women who were detected reached 165 visitors, and 27 cases were transferred to a hospital King Khalid in Majmaah Governorate to complete the examination procedures and reassure them of their safety, as Mr. Faisal Al-Otaibi indicated that the university is keen to organize such awareness exhibitions and aims through them to educate the community about diseases and ways to prevent them, and among those exhibitions is the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer, with the aim of educating community women about this disease and ways to prevent and early detect it, as the exhibition included a number of awareness and educational pavilions and corners, which included Many means of publications, introductory films and souvenirs provided to visitors, in addition to the presence of a number of specialists in this field, to provide advisory and educational services, and at the end of the talk Al-Otaibi thanked the Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, who kindly opened the exhibition, and also thanked the public relations and media team for the good preparation and organization, and the medical partner College of Medicine and Medical Services for their effective contribution to the exhibition, and also thanked the Deanship of Community Service and Education Continuous sponsorship of the exhibition.


Zahra Association honors the university for its efforts in the breast cancer detection campaign

Zahra Association honored the participants and supporters of the early detection of breast cancer campaign, which was held this year under the title: #لاتهملي_أي_إشارة, and from those bodies Majmaah University, where the Director of the Public Relations Unit at the university, Mr. Faisal bin Muhammad Al-Otaibi, received a shield of thanks and appreciation to the university for its efforts in raising awareness about this disease, and on this occasion, Mr. Faisal Al-Otaibi - Chairman of the Committee supervising the activities of the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer, which was held by the university under the slogan: (Do not neglect any reference) - The words of the slogan were not random, but rather a message addressed to all women to educate them against breast cancer, which is the second type of cancer prevalent among women, as one out of every 8 women suffers from breast cancer, so the university was keen to organize such an exhibition with the aim of educating women in the community about this disease, At the end of his speech, Al-Otaibi thanked those in charge of the Zahra Association for the good organization and warm reception, and stated that the community partnership between the university and associations, whether civil or community and others, aims to provide the public interest of the homeland, the citizen and society in general, so we are keen to provide all means of cooperation with them, Al-Otaibi also thanked the Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, who kindly opened the exhibition, and also thanked the relations team The public and women's media, headed by the director of the unit, Ms. Fatima Al-Ahidib, and their effective contribution to organizing events and celebrations, including the activities of early detection of breast cancer, and he also thanked the medical partner College of Medicine and Medical Services for their contribution, and considered them partners in success and deserve honor as well, and also thanked the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education for its sponsorship of the exhibition.


Women's medical staff participates in the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer

Female medical staff participated in medical services

In the educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer

Which was set up by the university in Majmaah Mall

Where she provided medical examination for the disease and health education for it


World Breast Cancer Day Event


World Breast Cancer Day Event

The Student Activities Unit, in cooperation with Abdulaziz Al-Shuwaier Center for Health Care in Jalajil and with the support of the Deanship of Student Affairs (Student Fund), held the World Breast Cancer Day on Thursday 1443/3/1 AH in the college lobby, where it included a special corner that contained many publications, awareness and guidance leaflets and pink ribbons, and a video was displayed on the screens that dealt with an introductory explanation about the disease, its symptoms, ways to prevent it, and the importance of conducting early detection tests for breast cancer, and the event won everyone's approval.


 Transferring faculty members to participate in Al-Seih Heritage Village and breast cancer prevention activities in Majmaah


In continuation of the services provided to all sectors of the university, the Mobility Unit continues to provide transportation services to university members and students to participate in community events.

Where a delegation of faculty members at the College of Applied Medical Sciences participated in the effectiveness of "obesity and the resulting diseases" in the women's park in Al-Seih Heritage Village in Zulfi on Friday, 1441/02/12 AH

The unit also participated in transferring the university's employees to breast cancer prevention activities.


The College Holds an Initiative on the Occasion of World Breast Cancer Awareness Day



The college, represented by the Community Service Unit, held an initiative entitled (Breast Cancer Awareness) at the College of Engineering and the Joint Year. In order to raise awareness of breast cancer, its causes and related factors, and to provide an initial diagnosis of the disease through the genetic map and genetic factors leading to its infection.



The Community Unit at the College Holds a Breast Cancer Awareness Program

As an extension of the breast cancer awareness campaign held by Majmaah University every year, the College of Science in Zulfi, represented by the Community Service Unit, Female Section, held a qualitative program in cooperation with Al-Zulfi General Hospital, which was held in Al-Seih Heritage Village, where the program varied into several paragraphs, starting with a representative scene urging the initiative for early detection, followed by a lecture on breast cancer and ways to prevent it, presented by Dr. Iman Sweidan, a primary health care doctor at Zulfi General Hospital, and then the draw on the awareness competition that aimed to Searching for the answer to identify ways to prevent and treat breast cancer The chanting band had an imprint to spread awareness to children to consolidate primary health information, and then the event varied with competitions for attendees (for all age groups) in the field of health awareness.


Women's medical staff participates in breast cancer awareness exhibition

The female medical staff of the medical services participated in the university's educational awareness exhibition for the early detection of breast cancer (do not neglect any signal), which targets the women of the community

It was organized in Majmaah Mall, for four days from 17-20/10/2018, daily from 4:30 to 9:30 pm.

The exhibition, which the university is keen to organize every year, aims to educate community women about the danger of breast cancer and ways to prevent and early detect it,


Students of the Applied College participate in the activities of the October Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign



As part of the initiatives of the Applied College in interacting with international events that aim to raise health awareness, the students of the Student Club of the Applied College participated in a number of various events and activities within the October campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer at the headquarters in Majmaah and the branches of the Applied College in Zulfi and Ramah under the auspices of the Vice Dean for Development and Quality, Dr. Laila Al-Haidari, and this campaign aims to raise awareness about breast cancer and contribute to achieving the goals of Vision 2030, including improving the quality of life.
Where these participations, events and activities presented included an awareness video about breast cancer, billboards, a "hand in hand" board to make solidarity fingerprints, an awareness and educational corner and a drawing corner, and Dr. Amira Bushra presented a remote educational seminar entitled "Healthy Nutrition and Prevention of Breast Cancer", and also the Applied College, Zulfi Branch, held an awareness and educational corner that included educational and awareness publications for the symptoms of breast cancer and foods that fight breast cancer, and these events were supervised by the Secretary of the College's Activity. Mr. Amal Al-Razqan, and each of: Mr. Reem Al-Haidan, Mr. Raja Al-Zunaidi, and in coordination and follow-up from the supervisor of the Student Activities Unit, Mr. Shaker Noueiji.

College of Sciences and Human Studies in Ghat - Female Sections - Organizes a Breast Cancer Campaign under the Slogan "Check and Don't Postpone"


The breast cancer campaign was launched under the slogan "Check and do not postpone" at the College of Sciences and Human Studies in Al-Ghat - Female Section - Student Activity Unit, and in cooperation with Dr. Zahra Abdul Malik, and the campaign aims to convey its basic message, which is "early detection helps save lives" and the campaign included an interactive presentation to spread awareness and includes a clear message about the importance of early detection in its initial stages, as the cure rate reaches above 95%, As well as knowing the symptoms of breast cancer and the factors contributing to its appearance and how to avoid and prevent it, and how the woman begins the self-examination process and where to go to the annual examination, and also the campaign included several awareness brochures distributed to all attendees.                                                                                               


Participation of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Female Sections, in the National Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

The College of Applied Medical Sciences participated in the national breast cancer awareness campaign, where...

Breast cancer is the second most prevalent, the first cancer to affect women and responsible for a high mortality rate globally. Despite the tremendous scientific development in the treatment of the disease, the principle of prevention remains better than cure. Lack of awareness about the disease remains one of the causes of worsening of the disease and worsening conditions. Breast cancer awareness is an attempt to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of breast cancer by introducing symptoms and treatment. From this standpoint, our role for community participation comes in increasing knowledge and supporting patients. The corner of the College of Applied Medical Sciences was distinguished from other pillars in the October Campaign to Combat Breast Cancer 2015 with the participation of an unconventional and distinctive corner of the project (For You, Zahra), which is to educate the feminist community against breast cancer and support the injured (material, moral support) by displaying the sales of the Zahra Association and the possibility of helping cancer patients by purchasing one of the exhibits, The entire financial return for the benefit of Zahra Breast Cancer Association is volunteered by the team of you, Zahra, in addition to spreading health awareness and urging visitors to cooperate in reducing the spread of this disease, and presenting the experiences of patients recovering from this disease to give positive energy to patients with the disease.


Training Program Rehabilitation of those about to get married


Rehabilitation of those who are about to get married

Believing in the importance of raising the level of family and social awareness among those about to get married, the Social Responsibility Observatory at Majmaah University, in partnership with the Ibrahim Al-Sultan Charitable Foundation, the Women's Committee for Social Development, and the Family Affairs Committee in Riyadh, implemented (the training program to qualify those who are about to get married) for a period of 3 days, and the training program was presented via Blackboard, and presented by Mr. Mansour Al-Gharib, and Dr. Aisha Al-Bakri.

The program aims to rehabilitate young men and girls who are about to get married and develop their skills and knowledge in marital relations to ensure that they achieve happiness and marital stability, and the training bags included vital aspects in the life of the spouses and included psychological, economic, social, health and legal aspects and the importance of taking into account each of the spouses the rights of the other in order to preserve the stability of the marital home and protect it from disintegration, Majmaah University has devoted its efforts to support such educational programs for their importance in raising awareness, development and facilitating access On the appropriate rehabilitation for each category of society in our dear homeland.


Marriage of young children in the light of determining the age of marriage

Within the activities of the training unit with the Department of Islamic Studies

The unit organized a course entitled (Marriage of young children in the light of determining the age of marriage)

Activity Objectives

Introducing the issue of marriage of children, especially minors

Course Content

The concept of marriage of young children and its legitimacy and the difference of scholars.

Marrying the young, the young, the firstborn and the clothed.

Ruling on setting a specific age for marriage.

The course included jurisprudence matters related to the marriage of young children and educating parents about that. In the meeting, he mentioned the concept of the marriage of young children and the difference of jurists in its legality, and the marriage of the young father, the young, the firstborn and the garment, and the difference of scholars in that.

The ruling on setting a certain age for marriage was also presented in the course. The scholars differ and the most likely sayings, and the consequent pros and cons.


The Social Responsibility Observatory implements the training program to qualify those who are about to get married

Majmaah University

Believing in the importance of raising the level of family and social awareness among those about to get married, and under the patronage of His Highness the Governor of Majmaah Prince Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah bin Faisal, and in the presence of the Chairman of the Observatory Council, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Muslim bin Muhammad Al-Dosari, the Social Responsibility Observatory at Majmaah University in partnership with the Ibrahim Al-Sultan Charitable Foundation, the Women's Committee for Social Development, and the Family Affairs Committee in Riyadh, implemented (the training program to qualify those who are about to get married) for 3 days in the hall of the Sultan Center The number of beneficiaries was 96 young men and women, and was presented by Mr. Abdulaziz Abdul Rahman Al-Shanifi, and Ms. Iman Abdul Rahman Al-Hogail.

The program aims to rehabilitate young men and girls who are about to get married and develop their skills and knowledge in marital relations to ensure that they achieve happiness and marital stability, and the training bags included vital aspects in the life of the spouses, and included psychological, economic, social, health, and legitimacy aspects, and the importance of taking into account each of the spouses the rights of the other in order to preserve the stability of the marital home and protect it from disintegration, Majmaah University has devoted its efforts to support such educational programs for their importance in raising awareness And to develop and facilitate access to appropriate qualification for each category of society in our dear country.


Medical Services holds an exhibition on the occasion of World AIDS Day under the slogan ((Lifelong treatment... and lifelong prevention ))

May Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you!

Under the guidance of His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Muqrin, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Medicine, the General Supervisor of Medical Services, Dr. Khalid Al-Abdulwahab

Under the direct supervision of the Executive Director of Medical Services, Dr. Rayan Barakati

Under the slogan ((lifelong treatment. and lifelong prevention)), the medical services held an awareness exhibition on the World AIDS Day in the university city in Majmaah Governorate.

Where the exhibition included an awareness film about AIDS and its danger, causes and prevention. On the other hand, awareness brochures were distributed and in-kind gifts were distributed to the attendees

The exhibition was honored by the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hamad Al-Qumaizi, and the Vice Dean of the College of Medicine, Dr. Muhammad Al-Mansour, along with students, employees and faculty members.


Mental Health Services


The Deanship of Library Affairs holds an awareness and cultural initiative under the title: (I can)

Majmaah University

Majmaah University

Majmaah University

Based on the societal role of the Deanship of Library Affairs in spreading awareness and general culture within the local community and within the geographical scope of the university, the Deanship of Library Affairs, represented by the library of the College of Education, held an awareness and cultural initiative under the title: (I can), coinciding with the International Stuttering Day, and this initiative was activated throughout the day, as the initiative was implemented within the university in the theater of the College of Education (female sections) amid interaction and distinguished presence from all faculty members, in cooperation with the Crossing (Speech Department), a seminar was held during this event entitled: Steps to control stuttering, and included a number of axes that included the definition of the problem of stuttering, its causes, and treatment methods.

At the end of the initiative, distributions were presented to the attendees commensurate with the type of initiative, and certificates of thanks were given to the participants in the event.


The University Holds a Seminar Entitled: The Psychological and Social Dimensions of Violence against Women

Majmaah University

The university, represented by the Faculty of Medicine, held a symposium entitled: The psychological and social dimensions of violence against women, in the theater of the Faculty of Medicine building, on the occasion of the "Recommend Women Good" campaign to combat violence against women, and coinciding with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, where Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Atram, Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist and Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine and Head of the Mental Health Promotion Group at the University, and Dr. Hanan Ismail, Associate Professor of Mental Health at the Faculty of Education and member of the Mental Health Promotion Group, and was managed by Mr. Ahmed Al-Osailan.

The symposium included several axes, including: introducing violence against women, its forms, and the psychological symptoms resulting from it, spreading public awareness in order to eliminate it, focusing on protecting women's psychological and social rights, creating a comprehensive social awareness situation in order to address it, and introducing the official authorities that can be contacted in the event of exposure to violence, as well as talking about the achievements of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of empowering women and enacting laws that would protect them. At the end of the meeting, the interventions of the attendees were received and their inquiries were answered.


Mental Health Course

The Student Support Unit, in coordination with the Training and Public Relations Unit at the College, held a training course for students on (mental health, its problems and methods of treatment), in Hall (26/3) on Wednesday, 8/5/1437 AH, presented by Dr. Jalal Al-Siddiq, Head of the Unit.

The course dealt with explaining the definition of mental health and the importance of positive factors for human mental health in general and for students in particular, as well as the most important psychological problems facing students, including fear, anxiety, depression and shyness, explaining the most important symptoms indicative of these problems and the physical, psychological and social changes that occur to students, which greatly affect their behavior patterns, and the most important methods of treating these problems were explained.

At the end of the course, students' questions and inquiries were answered.

World Mental Health Day

The College of Education in Majmaah was represented by the Vice Deanship of Student Affairs, incooperation with the Guidance and Counseling Unit and with the participation of the Scientific College of Kindergarten, Educational Sciences, Islamic Studies, Special Education andArabic Language Program (World Mental Health Day ) on Tuesday, 1441/2/16AH at nine o'clock in the morning.

TheQassam participated in the celebration of the Mental Health Day with a set of pillars and active participations that indicated the importance of mental health.

The participants varied and multiplied, as the pillars included a presentation of the mental health axes and their importance, and their impact on the physical, social and emotional aspects.

The RKN also included an introductory corner on psychological problems and their symptoms, including depression.

The attendees were introduced to places for mental health care from government numbers, doctors' accounts and phone applications.

The corners included recreational corners tohelp relieve stress and anxiety. This included a corner where roses, letters, and balloons carrying optimistic phrases were distributed to improve the psychological state. Abarcode that transports the reader to a topic that talks about the most important mental disorders, and their scientific names, was placed on pieces of candy.

This was accompanied by a banner that illustrates Islam's approach to achieving mental health.


Under the slogan (Mental health is a human right): The Deanship of Student Affairs celebrates the World Mental Health Day





Based on the directives of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, and with the follow-up of the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Aboudi, and in order to continue providing distinguished student guidance and counseling services to university students, the Deanship of Student Affairs, represented by the Student Guidance and Counseling Center, held an exhibition on the World Mental Health Day, in the lobby of the female complex, where a group of mental health counselors and professors at the university met with a number of male and female students. Psychological advice and guidance were provided to them, in addition to a number of lectures.
For his part, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Saleh bin Amileh Al-Rashidi, expressed his deep thanks and appreciation for the continuous support and sound guidance enjoyed by the Deanship of Student Affairs from His Excellency the President of the University, which contributed to the increase and quality of these services, and the continuous follow-up of the Deanship by His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs.


A course entitled Mental Health in the Female Section

The College of Science in Zulfi in the Female Section, represented by the Social Counseling Unit, held a course entitled Mental Health, which was presented by Dr. Siham Ali, where she talked about the concept of mental health and its importance, after that, the students' inquiries in this regard were answered


The College holds an event entitled Mental Health


The college, represented by the Student Activities Unit, held an event entitled (Mental Health) in conjunction with the World Mental Health Day. The event aims to spread public awareness of mental health issues, and pay attention to the psychological problems that individuals may suffer from and affect the quality of their lives and enjoy their lives.


Lecture on Mental Health for University Students

The College of Education in Majmaah holds a lecture on the mental health of the university student

Within the framework of the keenness of the College of Education in Majmaah to activate the student activities plan,

And work on the development of student skills, and face psychological problems,

The Vice Deanship for Student Affairs held a lecture entitled: (Mental Health of the University Student);

It was presented by Dr. Abdul Hamid Haj Amin.


Female Sections Organize Child Mental Health Program

Within the programs of the Student Activities Unit at the College of Science in Zulfi, a training program was held for female students and employees entitled: The importance of mental health for the child.

The program was presented by Ms. Dalal Al-Osaimi on the occasion of the World Mental Health Day, and the program dealt with the following themes:

-The relationship between family and mental health.

The impact of parental relationships on the child's mental health.

-Signs of troubled family.

- Ways to promote the mental health of the child.


The psychological and social effects of smart devices on children


Within the activities of the training unit

Course title (psychological and social effects of smart devices on children)

Course Objective

Identify the importance of childhood in terms of the characteristics of growth, which requires that the child not be exposed to any of the psychological or behavioral problems.

Identify the psychological and social effects of misuse of smart devices on children.

Highlighting the importance of creating a family environment that prevails in a calm and psychological stability environment for the child so that he does not turn to smart devices as an alternative.

Course Content

Clarify the danger of children's use of smart devices and reduce their negative psychological and social effects on the child.

The need to deal with children wisely and to gain them acceptable social behavior.

Employing psychological counseling to achieve the proper growth of children and build compatible personalities by enhancing the child's psychological and social adaptation.

Making distributions and placing meaningful phrases on them.

Making a tape of pictures and targeted awareness words.


The College Participates in the Activities of the World Mental Health Day

As part of the activities of the World Mental Health Day 2019, the Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at Majmaah University, in cooperation with the College of Dentistry, carried out an awareness lecture entitled "Suicide Prevention", on Thursday, October 10, 2019. The program was implemented by Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Atram, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and Dr. Yasser Jibril, Assistant Professor of Mental Health, and a group of college students and some faculty members attended, and they talked about the psychological factors of suicide, how to prevent it, and the main role of the family in dealing with its members in appropriate educational and psychological ways, and the lecturers listened to a number of questions and discussions of the audience, and answered inquiries.


A course entitled "Mental Health: Its Problems and Treatment Methods"

The Vice Deanship of Educational Affairs, represented by the Student Support Unit, in coordination with the Training Unit of the Quality and Development Agency, carried out a course entitled "Mental Health: Its Problems and Treatment Methods", on Tuesday 22/3/1441 AH at the Protocol Hall, presented by Dr. Fahd Al-Nughaimish, Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences at the College of Education, where the course aimed to develop the trainees' abilities on how to best deal with psychological problems by scientific methods, during which he talked about the mental health of the individual and society, sound mental health standards, as well as manifestations of mental health imbalance and causes. which led to this imbalance, and in conclusion he mentioned several methods of treatment.


World Mental Health Day 2021 10/October



Invitation to attend a workshop entitled (Mental Health)

Invitation to attend a workshop entitled (Mental Health)

The College of Education in Majmaah in the female sections, represented by the Vice Deanship of Student Affairs, announces the holding of a workshop on the occasion of the World Mental Health Day entitled: Mental Health, presented by: Dr. Hanan Ismail - Dr. Maha Al-Shammari - Mr. Kholoud Al-Mandeel (Department of Educational Sciences), on Monday 5/3/1443 AH from 7 to 9 pm.

Target group: All segments of society

Via barcode:


Mental Health


Student Counseling and Counseling Unit Evaluates Mental Health Program


The Student Counseling and Guidance Unit at the College of Science in Zulfi held a program entitled:

Mental Health Day, and the program included two axes:

The first axis: A lecture entitled Mental Health presented by Dr. Maha Ahmed Abdel Halim, supervisor of the Counseling and Counseling Center at the university, where the lecture dealt with the foundations of therapeutic psychological counseling and the importance of mental health, manifestations of sound mental health, as well as the importance of psychological counseling and the role it plays in the life of the university student.

There were participations from some specialists in the center to present some ideas and psychological and educational solutions, and questions were asked to the students during the lecture to know the problems and psychological pressures they face at the university, and some proposals were put forward on how to achieve psychological and professional satisfaction and how to discover, understand and analyze personal, emotional and behavioral problems that lead to poor psychological compatibility and work to solve problems in order to achieve the best level of psychological compatibility and mental health.

The second axis: psychological counseling, where a field was opened for students in individual interviews of the above doctor to give them the opportunity to raise some of the problems they face and how to address them, it is worth noting that the program was well received by the students and was used to identify the importance of the role of the psychological and academic counselor at the university.


Training course for students on "Mental health, its problems and methods of treatment"


The Student Support Unit, in coordination with the Training and Public Relations Unit at the College, held a training course for students on "Mental Health, its Problems and Treatment Methods", on Wednesday, 1438/7/15 AH in Hall (28/2), presented by Dr. Jalal Al-Siddiq, Head of the Unit.

The course dealt with the definition of mental health and the importance of positive factors for human mental health in general and for students in particular, as well as the most important psychological problems facing students, including fear, anxiety, depression and shyness, explaining the most important symptoms indicative of these problems and the physical, psychological and social changes that occur to students, which greatly affect their behavior patterns, and the most important methods of treating these problems were explained, and at the end of the course, students' questions and inquiries were answered.


The College of Education in Majmaah presents a lecture on facing the psychological stress of tests

Within the framework of the keenness of the Student Support Unit at the College of Education in Majmaah, and under the guidance of His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Majid Aba Hussein, and the follow-up of His Excellency the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Tawala, a lecture was presented on facing the psychological stress of tests, presented by Dr. Abdul Baqi Arafa, where the lecture dealt with: Definition of psychological stress for tests, their causes, and methods of confronting them.


Student Guidance and Counseling Center participates in World Mental Health Day



The university, represented by the Student Guidance and Counseling Center at the Deanship of Student Affairs, participated in the World Mental Health Day, which is held every year during the month of October, on Tuesday 6/3/1443 AH in the multi-purpose hall, where during the program directed to female students, a seminar was held during which a number of topics on mental health were reviewed and discussed, in the presence of a number of college vice deans, faculty members and students.

The program was also accompanied by an exhibition held on this occasion that included a number of corners, during which the mood and psychological states of the human being were reviewed, and how to overcome these cases, as well as awareness of the seriousness of mental illnesses, which are just pathological cases like other organic diseases, and these pillars were prepared by the students of the Volunteer Club of the Deanship of Student Affairs, and these pillars include: The corner of the impact of colors on mental health, the corner of mental disorders is physically shaped, the corner of personalities who have lived with mental illness, the corner of foods that reduce levels of stress and depression, the corner of counseling, the corner of writing as a means of recovery from depression, and the corner of drop the chaos of your thoughts on paper.

The seminar was attended by a number of visitors from all faculties.


A lecture entitled (The mental health of the university student and its impact on his academic performance)

Within the framework of the World Mental Health Day, the Activities Unit at the Vice Deanship for Student Affairs held an educational seminar entitled: (The mental health of the university student and its impact on his academic performance) on Tuesday, 1/20/1439 AH.

The symposium was held in cooperation with His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al-Mansour, and the Medical Services Clinic at the College represented by Dr. Amr El-Sayed Gaballah. Dr. Abdullah Al-Mansour opened the seminar by talking about: The importance of mental health in our religious life, and in this context, His Excellency also addressed how to deal with those around us in our society, and its impact on mental health. Then Dr. Amr Gaballah, supervisor of the medical clinic at the faculty, spoke about :(the importance of mental health from a medical point of view) in the definition of Simplified in which he addressed: mental health and the criteria by which we judge the safety of the health of individuals, and then concluded by talking about avoiding psychological problems. The seminar was attended by Mr. Musaed bin Muhammad Al-Jofan, Vice Dean for Student Affairs, and Mr. Kamal Al-Sufi, supervisor of the Activities Unit at the college.


The College holds a workshop entitled (Mental Health and its Role in Developing Skills)

Mental health and its role in skills development.

The College of Education in Majmaah (Student Guidance and Counseling Unit), in cooperation with the Department of Kindergarten, holds a workshop entitled (Mental Health and its Role in Developing Skills), held by Dr. Maha Abdel Halim - a faculty member in the Department of Kindergarten - on Sunday, 144/10/17 AH at 11 am to 1 pm at the College of Education Theater in Majmaah for female sections.


The College announces the establishment of a workshop (mental health and well-being for all is a priority)

Mental health and wellbeing for all a priority

The College of Education - Student Guidance and Counseling Unit - represented by the Department of Kindergarten announced the holding of a workshop entitled (Mental Health and Well-Being for All Priority - World Mental Health Day), presented by Dr. Maha Abdel Halim - a faculty member in the Department of Kindergarten - targeting female students, on Tuesday, 1445/3/25 AH, at 9:00-11:00 am, where registration for the workshop will be through the Irtiqa platform.


Awareness lecture (mental health for children with Down syndrome and their families) presented by Dr. Mona Tawakkol

An awareness lecture on mental health for children with Down syndrome and their families presented by Dr. Mona Tawakkol

Within the framework of achieving the role of the Department of Educational Sciences in community service and its active participation in national and international events, the Community Service Committee in the department interacted with the World Down Syndrome Day, which falls on March 21 of each year, and the slogan of the World Down Syndrome Day for this year was (what I offer to my community), where an awareness lecture was presented on the mental health of children with Down syndrome and their families, on Wednesday 4/7/1439 AH at the auditorium of the College of Education in Zulfi at nine in the morning, presented by Dr. Mona Tawakkol Al-Sayed Professor of Mental Health and Special Education in the department, in which she shed light on the category of Down syndrome, introducing them, their psychological, physical and social characteristics, the most important diseases and behavioral and psychological disorders to which they are exposed, as well as their psychological and health needs, ways of psychological and health assessment, and providing support to them and their families, and the importance of integrating them into society and developing their available abilities and benefiting from them in achieving mental health and social compatibility for them, and the most important educational and educational services that can be provided to them.


College students sign an agreement to sponsor the graduation project with the Psychological Support Center for Counseling


As part of the continuous efforts of the College of Science in Zulfi to support outstanding student projects and ideas and create incubating environments for them to turn them into investment projects implemented on the ground and under the generous patronage of the Dean of the College of Science in Zulfi, Dr. Hani bin Ali Al-Qahaiz, where a sponsorship agreement was signed for the graduation project for each of the student: Wijdan Ahmed Al-Manea, Farah Abdullah Al-Tayyar, and Hajar Abdul Rahman Al-Farraj, from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the college, and between the Psychological Support Center for Consultations in Riyadh, represented by Ms. Basma Al-Saif, CEO of the Center, and Professor Haila Al-Saif, Executive Director of the Center, and in the presence of Ms. Noura Ibrahim Al-Nughaimshi from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences and responsible for the Alumni Affairs Unit at the College, and Ms. Dalal Dakhil Al-Osaimi from the Vice Deanship of Student Affairs, and the memorandum of agreement included the commitment of the students to create and develop a dedicated application aimed at providing support and consultations to depression patients affiliated with the center, as the embrace of this project comes within the center's direction to expand patient service through modern technology, and the Psychological Support Center for Consultations is the first center in the Kingdom The center also provides family and social counseling, as well as training and development by distinguished Saudi competencies of specialists and psychotherapists. The signed agreement reflects the integrated role between the university and community institutions in the development of society, encouraging creativity and innovation, enhancing the capabilities and empowerment of young people in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

It is worth mentioning that this student project is one of the outputs of the first scientific exhibition of the College of Science in Zulfi, which was previously held under the patronage of the Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Jawaher bint Abdulrahman Al-Omar, which contributed to highlighting projects, research and innovations that reflect the volume of scientific and academic efforts made in the various scientific departments of the college.


The Deanship of Student Affairs, represented by the Student Guidance and Counseling Center, celebrates the World Mental Health Day



On the tenth of October of each year, the world celebrates its health institutions in particular and scientific in general, World Mental Health Day, with two different titles and one goal, and believing in the importance of interacting with this important international day, the Deanship of Student Affairs, represented by the Student Guidance and Counseling Center, has held a number of events that are important to provide support and raise the level of knowledge and protection for its students and all its employees, as the Deanship held on this occasion three important events:
The first event: Mental Health for All Forum, which was held remotely, for all university students and employees, on Sunday 4/3/1443 AH and included three important axes aimed at educating university students and all its employees about the importance of mental health, and that it is no less than physical health, and the first axis was entitled: (The Art of Psychological Immunization) The consultant in psychiatry, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Atram, spoke about the seriousness of mental disorder for the university student, and the need to immunize against it, In the interest of psychological safety and behavioral integrity.
His Excellency Prof. Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Husseinan also spoke in the second axis, about psychological stress and its relationship to the quality of university life for students, where he pointed to its danger to the educational achievement of university students.
In the third axis, Dr. Abdul Hamid Haj Amin talked about the symptoms of mental disorders, where he identified the signs and introductions of mental disorder of all kinds, with the intention of early prediction and warning of them in order to intervene early to eradicate them before they worsen and enable them to disrupt the general behavior of students.
The presentation of the forum was moderated by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Faris bin Saleh Al-Faris.
The second event: It was an exhibition held in the female building in Majmaah in presence for university students on Tuesday 6/3/1443 AH and was comprehensive of the following pillars:
1- Consulting corner.
2- Dialogue café corner.
3- Corner of personalities who have coexisted with mental illness.
4- Corner of the impact of colors on mental health.
5- Corner foods that reduce stress levels and depression.
6- Psychosomatic mental disorders corner.
These pillars aimed at promoting the concept of mental health for all, and this exhibition was conceived and prepared by Mr. Nujood bint Rashid Al-Miteb, Assistant Executive Director of the Student Guidance and Counseling Center, and in cooperation with all departments of the Deanship, and the exhibition also enjoyed the participation of many university employees from specialists, with a large constellation of university students.
The third event: It is an interactive competition entitled "Mental Health for All" according to four areas: motion graphics, hand drawing, short story, expressive phrase, and this competition targets university students.
These events received great interaction from the university's students and employees, and the Deanship, as it concludes these activities, is pleased to extend to His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Mizil, thanks and appreciation for his support and encouragement, and to His Excellency the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Aboudi, for his follow-up and interest.


The College of Business Administration holds a workshop entitled "Academic Advising and Psychological Preparation for New Students for University Life"

Within the framework of its endeavor to increase academic awareness among new students in the Department of Law, and under the supervision and follow-up of His Excellency the Head of the Law Department, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Khalid Al-Abdulkarim, the Academic Advising Committee at the Department of Law organized on Tuesday, 21/2/1440 AH, a workshop at the headquarters of the College of Business Administration in the University City in Majmaah, entitled (Academic Advising and Psychological Preparation for New Students for University Life), where His Excellency the Chairman of the Academic Advising Committee in the department, Dr. Haider Bashir Mohammed, and His Excellency a member of the Academic Advising Committee, participated in providing the workshop. The academic in the department, Dr. Sami Mustafa Bani Abdul Rahman, and (40) new students participated in the workshop, and the workshop included the following axes, which were presented in the form of presentations:

- The difference between secondary and university studies.

- The relationship of the university student with the university, college, department, faculty member and academic advisor and his relationship with others in the university environment.

- Adaptation patterns to the university environment.

- Things that help to achieve success and excellence in university life.

- The concept of academic advising, its axes and fields.

- Mechanisms for activating academic advising.

- A detailed explanation of the study plan in the Department of Law, how to register courses, and the procedures for dropping and adding.

- The previous requirement and the importance of fulfilling it so that the student can register in the subsequent course.

At the end of the workshop, the faculty members answered the students' questions and inquiries.

The Deanship of E-Learning and the Social Responsibility Observatory implement a remote meeting on "Psychological Confrontation of the Corona Pandemic" in cooperation with the Ministry of Human Resources

The Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Learning, in coordination with the Social Responsibility Observatory at the university, held a meeting entitled "Psychological Confrontation of the Corona Pandemic", which was directed to sponsoring families in the Riyadh region.

The Vice Dean of the Deanship of E-Learning for Development and Quality, Dr. Muhammad bin Mansour Abahussein, stated that based on the approval of the Vice President of the University, Supervisor of the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Learning, Prof. Dr. Muslim bin Muhammad Al-Dosari, coordination was made with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Riyadh region to establish a series of educational meetings with sponsoring families, whose number exceeds more than three thousand families. Dr. Abahaseen pointed out that this series began with the first meeting on Monday, the twenty-fifth of Ramadan 1441 AH, It was presented by Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Dean of Human Resources at the University, Dr. Al-Humaidi bin Muhammad Al-Daidan.
The first meeting was distinguished for sponsoring families, as the meeting dealt with important aspects that touched the needs of many sponsoring families and their sons and daughters, specifically with regard to the side effects of the Corona pandemic for young people and how to deal with them in light of sound psychological trends.
This meeting was an opportunity to introduce the university and the human and technical capabilities it possesses, and that the university is happy with such partnerships that touch the needs and aspirations of society. The attendees expressed a great impression and desire to continue such educational meetings.



The Vice Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research holds a training course on the psychological and social characteristics of the deaf with a presentation of an indicative dictionary within the activities of the Community Service Week


The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice Deanship for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research - Community Service Unit - held a training course in the female section entitled: (Psychological and social characteristics of the deaf with a presentation of an indicative dictionary) on Monday, 16/7/1439 AH in the training hall.

The course was presented by Dr. Fatima Farid, in which she dealt with: identifying the nature of hearing disability, determining the psychological characteristics of deaf individuals, interpreting the social characteristics of the deaf, and identifying the educational demands of the deaf, with the presentation of an indicative dictionary for the deaf.

A training course for female students entitled "How to achieve mental health with high standards"

The Student Guidance and Counseling Unit in the female sections, in cooperation with the Student Support Unit and with the participation of the student counseling team, held a training course for female students entitled "How to achieve mental health with high standards", presented by Dr. Nabila Al-Jaraideh, on Tuesday, 3/3/1439 AH.

During which the relationship between physical health and mental health was mentioned, and their indicators, and talked about the manifestations of normal and abnormal mental health, as well as explaining the relativity of mental health, and how to achieve mental health with high standards, and in conclusion, the attendees' inquiries and questions were answered.



 A course for female students entitled: Stress Management

Program Objectives:

   Providing participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to deal with stress

   Recognize the positive and negative effects of stress

Define the concept of psychological stress


In order to implement and activate the plan (Student Activity Unit), a course was conducted "Stress Management" prepared and presented by Dr. Hala Salama, Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods at the Department of Educational Sciences, in the female auditorium and attended by a number of students.

Course Themes:

What is stress?

  • Types of stress
  • How stress affects our lives
  • Causes of psychological stress
  • Symptoms of stress
  • How to deal with stress


Course entitled (Best Methods to Face Negative Thoughts)

The Student Guidance and Counseling Center in the Female Section held a course entitled (Best Methods for Confronting Negative Thoughts) presented by the psychologist Mr. Al-Jawhara Al-Dhiman. The course was attended by the Vice Dean of the College, Dr. Hanan Al-Mutairi, and a number of members and students.


Remarkable attendance of the relaxation session program for psychological comfort



The Department of Guidance and Counseling at the College of Sciences and Human Studies in Ramah organized on Tuesday, 16/4/1434 AH, a program entitled (Relaxation Session for Psychological Comfort) that came with the aim of developing students and employees and providing them with new practical skills in the science of relaxation presented by both Professor Al-Jafil Al-Dalbahi and Ms. Noura Mutlaq Al-Ghannam, and the program included several axes, namely (the goal of relaxation - psychological stress and its indicators - some of the benefits of relaxation - the important factors that determine the extent of benefit from relaxation exercises _ things that bring relaxation and psychological comfort _ ways to get to relax ) .

It is worth mentioning that Professor Zizi presented an explanation of positive thinking with an applied session for some exercises accompanied by a video presentation, and it is remarkable that the course urged a great turnout by students and faculty members, and in conclusion, a questionnaire was distributed to evaluate the course and find out the extent of its benefit.


The College holds a workshop (My Mental Health and Tests)


صحتي النفسية والاختبارات


تعلن كلية التربية ( وحدة التوجيه والإرشاد الطلابي) ، مُمثلة بقسم اللغة العربية عن إقامة ورشة عمل بعنوان : صحتي النفسية والاختبارات ، تقدمها : د. كريمة بنت دغيمان العنزي ، وذلك يوم الثلاثــاء 10-11-1444هـ ، الساعة 5 مساءً عبر الرابط :…