E-Learning is a combination of learning services and technology to provide high value integrated learning; anytime, anyplace. It is being resented as the next evolution of the training and the education as well as the next phase in the digital revolution. It is not only about delivering the courses through the web; it is about managing the whole learning process including students\' registration and progress reports. The methodology makes use of various technologies to enhance or transform the learning and teaching process, achieving real educational value, and reaching a larger, more diverse learner population with minimal expenditure. 
Learning Management Systems enable an organization to effectively implement enterprise learning. With a Learning Management System, or LMS, training and e-learning are managed by the LMS software allowing users and administrators alike to easily access courses and reports. 

Jusur is an LMS designed by the National Center of E-learning and Distance Learning in order to manage the E-Learning process in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Using Jusur system, users can log on and easily access the training courses. As the student completes the course, scores are tabulated and reports generated. Likewise, managers and administrators can access reports on the LMS and track the students\' progress.

The key Features of Jusur System are:
Log in : registering students in the portal.
Schedule: Planning the course and the way of teaching it.
Delivery: Making the course available for users.
Tracking: Following up the students\' progress as well as issuing reports of students performance.
Communication: students contact with each other through forums, emails and file sharing.
Evaluation: testing students through quizzes and examinations and grading them.

Jusur also has a learning content management system (LCMS), which is a system that can access learning object repository which enable subject matter experts, with little technology expertise, to design, create, deliver, and measure the results of e-learning courses rapidly. LCMS applications fundamentally change the value of e-learning content delivery by offering a scalable platform to deliver proprietary knowledge to individual learners and researchers.