الشعر الرومانتيكي


Course Description

This course introduces students to Romanticism and develops their understanding of its nature through a close analytical reading of assigned texts from the major poets of the period. The concept of the Romantic Imagination should be studied as a major break from the Neo-Classical Age. 


Course Aims

Discuss the English Romantic literary movement and its main figures (canonized/sub-canonized) and literary characteristics 

 Analyze the intellectual, historical, political and social background relevant to an understanding of English Romanticism


Read and Analyze a large selection of Romantic poems by both male and female   


Learning Outcomes  

1. Discuss the English Romantic literary movement and its main figures (canonized/sub-canonized) and literary characteristics.

2. Analyze the intellectual, historical, political and social background relevant to an understanding of English Romanticism.


3. Read and analyze a large selection of Romantic poems.


4. Discuss several critical approaches to poetry