“Automation of Quality Work in EE”
The Electrical Engineering Department organized a lecture entitled "Automation of quality work in the Department of Electrical Engineering." Where Dr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Qawasmi introduced his software program "Assessment Results Analysis", which aims to save time and effort through the use of software which designed to analyze various Assessment results. The software is intended to measure the achievement of delivering learning outcomes using performance indicators and their related Rubrics. This software is one of software series that will cover all quality issues in the department and which considered in the strategic plan of the department.
The head of Electrical Department, Dr Abdullah Almuhaisen explained the importance of such programs and theis role in simplification and documentation of quality work in the department.
Microproject Exhibition
The microproject exhibition was held by the electrical engineering department on 17-2-2015 in engineering library. Different microprojects were exhibited by the students. The Vice Dean Dr. Abdullah Abdulkareem was the host of the event. At the end, the students were awarded with certificates for their work .The list of the students, their projects with supervisors a name is given below.
Laser Communication System Faihan Al Mutairi
Electric Vehicle.
Ahmed Al-Molify, Nawaf Al-Motiry, Naïf Al-Motiry, Ali Al-Amry, Nader Al-Motiry, Ibrahim Al-Motiry ,
Design and implementation of Class B amplifier
Sultan AlRasheedi
Digital Pulse Counter
Abdulhakeem Bindail, Khalid Al-Zahrani, Maaz Al-Mutiri, Moussa Ben Ali
Pulse Width Modulation Control Using Optical Communication Systems
Abdur Rahman Al Masudi , Faisal Al Mutairy , Fahad Al Ardhey
Course Report Workshop
As part of a workshop series aimed to improve the quality of education, the Department of Electrical Engineering conducted a workshop entitled "COURSE REPORT", using real examples"
As part of a workshop series aimed to improve the quality of education, the Department of Electrical Engineering conducted a workshop entitled "Performance Indicators", using real examples". The workshop aimed to discuss the use of performance indicators mechanisms to verify the students' performance level and the achievement of courses learning outputs. Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Qawasmi explained the necessity of choosing the appropriate teaching methods for effective delivery of educational outcomes, and analyzing the results of students' performance verification by using the appropriate performance indicators. Furthermore, there was a discussion regarding the benefits of utilizing performance indicators and measurements for the development of education strategies to fit their own outputs. Moreover, the head of the Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. Abdullah AL Mohesen, stressed the need to continue conducting such workshops because of their importance in activating the role of the teacher in the development of courses and academic programs, and in raising his teaching capabilities, and achieving the targeted educational outcomes by using effective teaching methods.
Lab Development Committee (LDC) Presentation
Dr. Omar A. M. Aly was giving a seminar about the Lab Development Committee (LDC) in electrical engineering department . During the presentation Dr. Omar give an idea about the mission and objectives of the committee. The mission of LDC is to create modern lab’s facilities and to make the labs safe and more usable for students and researchers. The objectives was Developing EE labs. Also Dr. Omar explains the tasks of lab supervisors, instructors and technicians. At the end Dr. Omar give an idea about the current situations of EE lab and how we can develop it
Undergraduate Corrdination Commiittee Presentation
In the regular meeting for EE members, Dr. Ahmed Galal presented the responsibilities and objectives of the Undergraduate Corrdination Commiittee. In this seminar, he mentioned a plan to provide training courses, workshops, Hi-tech competetions to fill the gaps in some courses outcomes. Also, he talked about activating and improving the practice of academic advising to ease any process that the students may face in their study, regestration or track selection. Finally he mentioned that the commiittee is preparing a concrete plan with fixed time to hold these activities and it will be announced early November 2014.
Quality committee Presetation
The quality committee at the Department of Electrical Engineering has conducted a presentation on its tasks and vision regarding the improvement of the quality procedures at the department. During the presentation, Dr. Abdullah Al-Ahmadi (EE coordinator of the Quality committee) explained the activities necessary to acquire the national (NCAAA) and (ABET) international accreditation. He also explained the process of self-evaluation that is carried out every year and different ideas to improve the level of student performance. The presenter also explained the proper way to write the course specification, course report and course syllabus according to NCAAA standards. After the presentation, an open discussion with the instructors to respond to their inquiries.
Course Specifications Workshop -Quality Committee
A workshop entitled “How to fill the course specifications" is held in the Department of Electrical Engineering. In this workshop, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Qawasmi explained and discussed the correct procedure to fill the course specification through discussions of a reference model. The workshop attended by all faculty members.
NI Presentation
A presentation was conducted by Eng. Elias a representative of National Instrument showing the PXI system with application related to RF and communication engineering such as MIMO transceiver