Privacy Policy

صورة بهو الجامعة

Deanship of Information Technology

E-portal Unit


Privacy Policy of Majmaah University E-portal


The primary purpose of this policy is to state the user rights and responsibilities of Majmaah University e-portal



The privacy policy stated below is considered a part of the terms for using the e-portal of Majmaah University (MU). 

This website does not collect your personal information when you visit the website without your consent. In case you opt to offer your personal information to us, they will be only used to provide you with the services or information you required from MU. By using this website, you agree to all terms of this privacy policy. All the information obtained from your side might be revealed to Saudi government sectors, if required, to process your request, without reference to any party. 

MU reserves the right to make any minor or major amendments to the terms of the privacy policy when necessary without any prior notification. MU also has the right to take the necessary measures to protect the data on the website from any loss, misuse or change without a guarantee that your usage is confidential and consequently shall not be held accountable for any harm that you or any party may experience as a result of violating the confidentiality policy.  

The website also implements very precise measures to protect information from any loss, misuse or change. In addition, MU cannot ensure the confidentiality when using the website; and therefore cannot be held accountable for any harm caused. 

This is governed by the law in force in Saudi Arabia. Each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Saudi Arabia and courts of appeal from them for determining any dispute concerning this policy. 


Intellectual Property Rights 

Any published material on MU e-portal and all related pages including (texts, photos, graphics, applications, designs, files, etc.) is subsumed under the category of intellectual property rights. It is prohibited to publish any content on MU e-portal that may violate the intellectual property rights of any sector or individual. 

A written consent, from the E-portal Unit at IT Deanship, is compulsory for the general usage of the materials published on the university e-portal; except what are stipulated by the Saudi Intellectual Property Law and this policy. 


Use Policy: 

The e-portal of MU including all information and materials published is managed by the E-portal unit. By using the MU e-portal, the user has accepted all the listed provisions of use policy in this privacy policy. 


The E-portal Unit reserves the right to change the use policy when necessary without prior notifications. In situations as such, the Unit may provide notifications via the e-portal of MU to ensure that users are fully aware of such changes. The user is obligated to review the use and privacy policy in every time the website or the sub-pages are accessed, including all colleges, deanships, administrations, faculty members etc. 

1. Changes in e-portal and disclaimer:

The E-portal Unit reserves the right to change the contents of any of the university websites when necessary and without any prior notification. The E-portal Unit shows a great deal of concern to ensure that all information published on all website are accurate; however, it cannot, by any means, provide any sort of guarantee with regard to the preciseness of the content (including any text, graphics, advertisement, URL links, etc.).  


2. Outage and slow connection in e-portal of MU:

The E-portal Unit shows a great deal of concern to ensure that the e-portal is working; however, the internet is not always stable, which may cause errors, outage or delay. In such cases, the E-portal Unit is not responsible and shall not be held accountable for operating the network inside and outside the university. 


3. URLs of other websites: 

All the URLs of websites or topics that are not related to MU e-portal are checked for their suitability by e-portal unit, which has the right to modify or remove them in accordance with this policy. The E-portal Unit at MU is not responsible or liable by any means for the content of these URLs. 


4. Privacy: 

The E-portal Unit is committed to protect the privacy of all MU e-portal users. The privacy policy organizes all web-pages of MU. 


5. Appointment of supervisors and Permission Grant:

a. Every sector at the university is entitled to appoint a supervisor, one or more, provided the main supervisor has an excellent command in Arabic language. All the supervisors are eligible to obtain a username and password and, they shall be fully responsible for the content of their website. 

b. The supervisor of any website is selected by filling out the form required by the E-portal Unit. 

c. The supervisor of the website is the only one who is eligible to retrieve the password from the E-portal Unit. 

d. When a supervisor is appointed or changed, the E-portal Unit must be officially informed. In case the supervisor has not accessed the control panel for one month, the E-portal Unit has the right to deactivate the user of the supervisor. 

e. The supervisor is fully responsible for the username and password of the website that should not be shared with others. The E-portal Unit reserves the right to de-activate the user of any supervisor who shares his/her username with another supervisor or anyone else. 

f. Any department that appoints a supervisor must guarantee that the supervisor shall work minimally for 3 months as a supervisor. 

g. In cases of none compliance with the policy of supervisor appointment and permission grant, the E-portal Unit reserves the right to take the necessary measure against action. 



6. Training Policy:

- The E-portal Unit conducts training courses on monthly basis, if necessary, to supervisors on how to manage the website. 

- Any department that has a website related to MU e-portal has the right to require the necessary training. The request should be made in coordination with the E-portal Unit via the contacts at the end of this policy. 


7. Domain and E-services Policy:

a. The E-portal Unit reserves the right not to link any of the subdomains to the university e-portal should the subdomain violated the privacy policy of MU e-portal.

b. The E-portal unit provides short URLs to every department based on its official email, e.g. Engineering College, Deanship of IT 

c. In the case of launching an e-service not controlled by E-portal Unit, the following requirements must be fulfilled: 

1. The service should be hosted by the data center at IT Deanship 

2. The service should be linked to a subdomain related to the main domain ( The logo of MU must be placed at the main page of the service, and this logo should be linked to the e-portal of MU ( The same holds true with the phrase (Majmaah University) to be included at the bottom of the service’s main page.

3. The service should be linked with the university single sign-on system. 

4. The service’s main page should contain all contacts information 

5. The service should not include a content that can be added to the sub-page of the department.

6. The service should be an interactive system with visitors or e-services. 


d. The subdomain will be subsumed under the main domain of the university: The department should suggest the name of the new subdomain, and the E-portal Unit reserves the right to approve or reject the subdomain’s name or even alter it accordingly. 

e. A consent must be obtained from the E-portal Unit for the new theme of the subdomain. The subdomain should also include the contact information with the department such as (Phone number/ Ex./ Fax/ E-mail/ etc.)

f. For a subdomain to be delegated to any department on campus, the subdomain must be working well. In the case of violating this requirement, the Deanship of IT has the right to abolish it.


8. Provision of new e-services (systems) Policy:

This policy determines the requirements that need to be fulfilled should any department decided to have a new e-service.

First: Provision of service via IT Deanship: 

Any department related to MU has the right to request an e-service from IT Deanship, and the Deanship shall be fully responsible for running the service including analysis, design, host, security and backup. 


Second: Provision of service by a department:

Any department that is interested to develop an e-service by (programmer/ company) should meet the following requirements:


a. The department must coordinate with IT Deanship in advance as similar available e-services might be available, or better options might be proposed by IT Deanship.

b. The department must own the copyrights of its e-service including database as a measure to protect its rights in the future.

C. IT Deanship shall not offer a subdomain to any e-service that does not meet the terms stipulated above, (section 7, article C)


9. Information Security Policy: 

a. The E-portal Unit employs procedural and technical measures to secure the personal information from loss, theft via encrypting them. The E-portal Unit also considers the data as properties that must be protected from loss or being accessed by unauthorized individuals. 

b. Should MU e-portal happened to be subjected to any harm, the necessary measures shall be taken according to the Combating Cyber Crime 1428 H. 

c. In the case of a potential security threat to MU e-portal or e-services, the Unit of E-portal has the right to take all necessary precautionary measures. 


10. Publishing Policy:

MU E-portal is considered to be the official media interface that represents all employees of the university, and thus the e-portal should be used in a proper way that benefits the university employees and departments. It also should not be misused by any means that may subject the university employees to any legal liability. Thus, the publishing policy must be followed and all contents posted on the E-portal should be translated into English and vice versa. 

    Published news by deanships, colleges and units must meet the following requirements:

1.    The content of the news (meeting, ceremony, workshop, etc.) must be a timeliness.

2.    The headline should match the news content. 

3.     The news should include one of the following:

A.    Highlight an activity or achievement for the vice-rector’s office, college, deanship or administration.

B.    Invite readers to contribute or benefit from a particular service. 

C.    Comprise all necessary elements of good news stories 

D.    Be a real news story which occurred 

E.    Attract a large number of people inside and outside the university.

F.    Written by simple and succinct language and free of unfamiliar terms 

G.    Follow the structure of writing a news (lead, facts or information of story, background, conclusion)

H.    Personal news should be avoided 

I.    News linked to sectors outside the university should obtain approval from concerned sectors at the university 

J.    The news should be edited and proofread before publishing.

    Published news with photos should fulfill the following requirements:

A.    The size of photos should be as stated by the Deanship of Information Technology 

B.    Clarity of photo 

C.    Photos should not be offensive or violate the university policy

D.    Figures’ pose and appearance should be appropriate in photos 

E.    Leaders and flags in photos should appear in proper way 


11. Publishing Copyrights:

All published materials on MU e-portal must comply with the publishing copyrights and publishing policy of the university and this includes: 


- Published journals in scientific conferences and scientific journals.

- Books and publications in electronic format 

- All e-materials that violate the intellectual property rights.


12. Inappropriate Content: 

The inappropriate content may include, but not exclusive to: 

a. Any text, photo or idea that implies any racism or offense. 

b. Any text, photo or idea that may violate the regulations of the state, the university or the social norms.

c. Any violation to the privacy of others by any means 

d. The language of the content should be free of mistakes. The E-portal Unit reserves the right to review the content and take action against inappropriate contents. 


13. Update the information:

The content of the web-pages must be updated including news, contact information, phone numbers, e-mails, description of materials etc. 


14. Change of the E-portal Unit Policy 

The E-portal Unit at the Deanship of Information Technology reserves the full right to amend this policy when necessary without any prior notification. Please be noted that this policy is available via the e-portal of MU (at the bottom of main page). 


15. Disclaimer 

IT Deanship makes every effort to achieve the highest level of quality and accuracy with MU e-portal, however, the Deanship shall not bear any responsibility or liability for violating this policy.  



This privacy policy of MU e-portal is approved by

MU Rector and Chairman of E-Transactions Committee

Dr. Khalid S. Al-Muqren

