College Council



Vision and mission

Organizational Structure 

Job Description

College Council

Advisory Board

Former deans



College Council

The college consists of: the dean as president, vice-deans and head of departments as members and three faculty members in the college, one of whom should preferably be the college’s representative in the Scientific Council. The terms of their membership are determined by a decision of the University Council, provided that one of the representatives is the Secretary of the Council.


Name Post
Dr. Hani Al-Guhaiz Chairman
Dr. Mufawwaz Al-Harbi Member 
Dr. Fayez Al-Fayez Member 
Dr. Sayer Al-Harbi Member 
Dr. Zeyad Al-Hussein Member 
Dr. Wael Al-Turaiqi Member 
Dr. Salah Khafaji Member & Secretary 
Dr. Ibrahim Mahmoud Member 
Dr. Abdullah Al-Dhukail Member 
Ms. Munibah Al-Turaiki Member 



Council organization


- The College Council meets at least once a month in the presence of at least two-thirds of its members.

- The Council's decisions are issued by an absolute majority of the votes of the members present, and in the event of a tie, the side on which the chairman prevails. 

- The Council’s decisions are considered effective unless they are rejected by the rector within fifteen (15) days. In the event of being rejected, the College Council will study it again. If the Council maintains the same opinion, the decision will be reviewed by the University Council for final decision. 


Council tasks


- Recommending the approval of the college’s strategic plan following the university’s strategic plans.

- Approval of a strategy for scientific research in the college.

- Approval of a general plan for implementing quality and academic accreditation at the college.

- Set up controls for admission and transfer to and from the college.

- Forming permanent or temporary committees.

- Supporting the activity of conducting and publishing scientific research.

- Evaluating the act of recruiting and promoting of faculty members, teaching assistants, and lecturers.

- Recommending the study plans proposed by academic departments.

- Approving curricula, books, and references in college or institute departments.

- Approving exam dates and setting regulations for conducting them.

- Recommending the internal executive regulations of the college or institute.

- Approving the necessary training and scholarship plans for the college or institute.

- Approval of the college’s extracurricular activity plan.

- Settle student matters that fall within its jurisdiction and refer it to the University Council otherwise.

- Review the matters referred to the committee by the University Council.