


About the Department of Mathematics


1 - Department code: MATH


2 - About the Department of Mathematics:

         Many questions along the lines about the benefit of mathematics in our daily lives and why it is heavily taught in both the general education and university have been inquired. Perhaps the right question is what is the area in which mathematics has no benefit?

Mathematics is the basis of science in both its theoretical and applied divisions. It offers effective methods in statistics, data and decision-making, the issues of profits and losses as well as in the narrow fields of computer programming. It also plays a great deal in encryption, modeling of the problems facing the community and finding solutions to them, and many of the engineering and medical applications.

Finally, on my behalf and on behalf of all my fellow members of the faculty acknowledge the great efforts of His Excellency Mr. Dean and His Excellency the Vice-Dean as well as welcome all of our students and look forward to working together to rediscover the effectiveness of mathematics and its central role in our lives.


3- Department’s Message

.Development of society through providing graduates, who able to compete in education, scientific research and optimum use of technology


     .There is a greet Consistency between Zulfi, College of science Mission and MajmaahUniversity   Mission  

click here MPU01

     .There is a greet Consistency between Zulfi, Mathematics Program Mission and Zulfi, College of science Mission  

click here MPU02



4 – Department’s Vision 
The Department looks to :  Developing communication skills, computational skills, critical thinking, and problem solving and research skills. The theory, discipline, and techniques taught in mathematics courses are especially essential in today's society.

5 - Objectives:

The Department of Mathematics aims in the context of the overall objectives of the Faculty of Science and objectives of the Department of Mathematics

• Central general objectives include the following:

To provide the community with qualified competent *

      To support E-learning in the department *

To developed and encourage scientific research *

To provide consultancy in mathematics to Community *

To enrich the knowledge of the community to provide distinct programs *

There is a greet Consistency between Zulfi, Mathematics Program Mission and general objectives of the program  

click here MPU03


 :Specialist Goals and Objectives of Mathematics Program


 First Learning Goal: Mathematics majors will develop computational skills in first-year calculus needed for more advanced calculus-based courses

 :Objectives, Students will

a. evaluate derivatives for complexly constructed elementary functions

b. evaluate definite and indefinite integrals; and

c. evaluate limits using algebraic, geometric, analytic techniques

  Second Learning Goal: Mathematics majors will learn and retain basic knowledge in the core branches of mathematics

:Objectives, Students will

a. demonstrate proficiency in calculus

b. demonstrate proficiency in linear algebra; and

c. Demonstrate proficiency in algebra


 Third Learning Goal: Mathematics majors will be able to learn and explain mathematics on their own

:Objectives, Students will

a. read a mathematics journal article and explain it, orally or in writing, to an audience of math majors and

b. After graduation, be able to master new mathematics necessary for their employment


 :Fourth Learning Goal: Mathematics majors will be able to read and construct rigorous proofs

:Objectives, Students will

a. construct clearly written proofs which use correct terminology and cite previous theorems

;b. construct proofs using mathematical induction

c. construct proofs by contradiction; and

.d. judge whether a proof is sound, and identify errors in a faulty proof


 Fivth Learning Goal: Mathematics majors will be able to obtain employment in their area of mathematical interest or gain admittance to a graduate program in mathematics

:Objectives, Students who

;a. seek admission to graduate schools in mathematics will succeed in gaining admission, and perform adequately in these programs

;b. seek entry-level employment in math-related fields will obtain it

;c. specialize in actuarial science will obtain entry-level work as actuaries, if they seek it

d. specialize in secondary education will demonstrate proficiency in mathematics needed to obtain Initial Certification in KSA; or

.e. Seek jobs in secondary or elementary education will obtain jobs at the appropriate grade level



6 - Study approach in the department:

Student in the Faculty of Science  spends four years spread over eight semesters. The study courses include the core courses (the requirements of the University - Faculty of requirements -the requirements of the department and specialization). The student must finish 136 units of study.


7 - Entry requirements for the department:

• -General assimilation of the Department
• Cumulative average for the student
• The wishes of the student


8 - Serving the environment and Society:
• Teaching Mathematics and Statistics in the different colleges.
• Participating in research projects for the environment and society.
• Participating in various committees within and outside the college.
• Participating in cultural and scientific activities at the college and university.


9 - Career Opportunities for Graduates:

• working in the education in both sectors, public and private.
• Working as research assistant in the department or in any other Math departments at the Kingdom Universities.
• working in research centers.
• working in the military sector.
• Working in IT as data analysts and shareholders in the preparation of strategic plans.