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Course Description
Programming I
This course introduces the students to the fundamentals of logic formulation together with their implementation in the C programming language. It introduces students to structured, top-down programming design and implementation. This course should serve as a foundation for students in the Computer Science program.
Calculus (1)
This course includes the following topics:
1) Limits and Continuity: The Concept of Limit, Computation of Limits, Continuity and its Consequences, The Method of Bisections, Limits Involving Infinity, Asymptotes.
2) The Derivative: Tangent Lines and Velocity, The Derivative, Computation of Derivatives: The Power Rule, Higher Order Derivatives, The Product and Quotient Rules, Chain rule. Derivatives of trigonometric functions. Exponential, logarithmic, and hyperbolic functions and their derivatives. Implicit differentiation and inverse function’s derivative. Derivatives of high order. Hospital‘s Rule and undetermined forms.
3) Applications of the Derivative: Absolute and local extreme, critical points, tests for local extreme, concavity and inflection points, and applications. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Curve sketching using calculus. Optimization problems, Linear approximation. Newton and fixed point iteration methods.
4) Integrals: Anti-derivatives, Indefinite Integral; Integration by Substitution; Integration by Parts; .Riemann sums; The Definite Integral; Area under curves; The Fundamental Theorems of Calculus; The Mean Value Theorem of Integration.
Discrete Mathematics
This course includes the following topics:
1) Elementary logic and Set theory: Simple and compound statements, Logical connectives, Truth tables, Basic logic laws, Operations on sets, Basic laws of set theory, Cartesian product of sets.
2) Methods of proof: Proof Strategy, Direct Method, the Contrapositive Method, the Contradiction Method, Mathematical Induction, and Structural Induction.
3) Relations: Basic definitions on relations, Binary relations and their types, Equivalence relation and set partition, Partial Ordering.
4) Algorithms: Algorithms, Examples of Algorithms, Complexity of Algorithms, Recursive Definitions, Recursive Algorithms.
5) Integers and Algorithms: Integers and Division, The Division Algorithm, Congruencies, Representation of Integers, Integers Algorithms, The Euclidean Algorithm, Applications.
6) Principles of Counting: The Basics of Counting, The Pigeonhole Principle, Permutations and Combinations, Generalized Permutations and Combinations, Algorithms for generating Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Coefficients.
7) Graph theory: Introduction to Graphs, Representation of Graphs, Paths and Cycles, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Shortest-Path Algorithms, Planar Graph, Graph Coloring.
Physics (1)
This course includes the following topics: Electric fields, Coulomb's law, Gauss' Law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectric, currents and resistance, electrical energy and power, direct current circuits, Kirchhoff's rules, magnetic fields, motion of charged particle in a magnetic field, sources of the magnetic field, Faraday's law of induction, Ampere’s law, mutual inductance, alternating current circuits, the RLC series circuit(a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor connected in series), power in an A.C. circuit, resonance in RLC services circuit.
Technical English (1)
This course provides students with a solid foundation of basic sentence form and function. It concentrates on grammatical structures, vocabulary expressions often used in technical and professional contexts. This course includes the following topics: Basics: meeting people, using forms, following instructions, exchanging information, using checklists, using voicemail, ordering by phone, introducing yourself and others, describing components, using a product review, describing a product, talking about people's jobs, describing direction of movement, giving and following instructions, explaining fluid movement around a system, using a flow chart, explaining how cooling system work, material testing, properties of materials, buying using a customer call form, specifying dimensions, using a specification chart, future projects, taking an emergency call, reporting damage, dealing with a customer.
Elective Arabic Course
Programming (2)
This course is an introductory course in object oriented programming. The fundamental concepts of object oriented programming will be studied using the C++ programming language.
Calculus (2)
This course includes the following topics:
1) Integration Techniques: Review of Integration by Substitution and Integration by Parts,.
2) Infinite series: Sequences and limit of a sequence. Infinite series of constant terms,
3) Vectors and Geometry of Space: Vectors in Space, Dot Product, Cross Product, Lines and Planes in Space, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates.
4) Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates: Plane Curves and Parametric Equations, Calculus and Parametric Equations, Polar Coordinates, Calculus and Polar Coordinates.
5) Functions of several variables and Partial Differentiation: Functions of several variables, Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Chain rule.
Technical English (2)
Building on the content of Technical English, this course is intended to provide students of Computer Sciences and IT with more advanced and specialized technical English needed for studying their major and functioning in their future careers. This course contains the following topics: Computer users, computer Architecture, computer Applications, Operating systems, describe main operating system, users Interfaces, discuss diagrams related to computer interfaces, computer support, Networks, data security, People in computing, discuss professional life of people working in IT, practice note-taking write a detailed description of a technical problem and its solution
Elective General Course (1)
Fundamentals of Information Systems
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of information systems. Topics include: Definition of Information Systems, Enterprise-wide computing and networking, and E-Business. Conceptual foundations; The decision-making process, Concepts of information, Information system requirements, and the strategic role of information systems. Ethical issues related to the use of information systems will also be covered.
Elective Islamic Culture (2)
Data Structures
The purpose of this course is to provide the students with solid foundations in the basic concepts of programming: data structures and algorithms. The main objective of the course is to teach the students how to select and design data structures and algorithms that are appropriate for problems that they might encounter. This course is also about comparing algorithms and studying their correctness and computational complexity. This course offers the students a mixture of theoretical knowledge and practical experience using C++.
Elective Professional Course (1)
Fundamentals of Database
Database concepts and architecture; data models, database schemes and instances, DBMS and the concept of program-data independence, database languages and interfaces, database models, relational data model and relational algebra, relational model constraints; domains, keys, and integrity constraints, the structured query language (SQL); data definition, queries, update, statements, and views in SQL, database design; functional dependencies, normal forms.
Probability and Statistics
This course includes the following topics: Introduction to Sample space, Random events, Probability rules, Conditional probability, Baye’s ruleو Random variables, Definitions of Discrete and Continuous distributions, mean and variance of a random variable, and mean and variance of a linear combination of independent random variables. Discrete distributions (Binomial, Hyper geometric, Poisson) and continuous distributions (Uniform, Exponential, Normal), Sampling distributions of sample statistics: t-distribution, The concept of estimation methods: Point estimation and Confidence interval estimation, Concepts of Testing Hypotheses: Hypotheses testing of a single Population parameter (mean, proportion, difference between two means and difference between two proportions of independent populations), Concepts of simple linear correlation and linear regression.
Accounting Fundamentals
The course aims at providing an understanding of accounting by focusing on the accounting system and principles and practices of financial accounting and preparing of financial reports in merchandising and services proprietorships, in addition, the course introduces the principles of financial reports analysis.
Introduction to Business Administration
This course aims to develop the administrative skills of students, and to provide them with basic knowledge in the management science. It focuses on teaching the functions of management (planning, organizing, directing and control), and teaching the functions of the organization (human resources, marketing, financing and operations).
Systems Analysis And Design
This course is concerned with the fundamental knowledge, methods and skills needed to analyse, design and implement computer-based systems. It addresses the role of the systems analyst, and the techniques and technologies used. The structured software development life cycle approach, modelling techniques (e.g., Entity-Relationship Models) and development phases are comprehensively discussed and reviewed. In modelling techniques, process models (e.g., Data Flow Diagrams), information models, system architecture models, and object oriented models are thoroughly described.
Introduction to Marketing
A survey of marketing activities in business and non-profit organizations. The course explains marketing principles, concepts, and activities in domestic and international markets and how these activities are affected by the cultural, social, economic, competitive, technological, and legal environments surrounding marketers. It also explains the role played by the marketing function in achieving organizational objectives and in sustaining the national economy. Discussion includes planning, implementation, and control of marketing programs using the four marketing mix elements: product, price, place, and promotion
Ethics and Professional Practice
This course will develop the ethical foundations of good professional practice in information technology. It will provide the necessary background of ethical theories and practices, and discuss the role of professional organizations in maintaining such practice, specifically in the information technology industry. Also, It considers legislation that applies in the information technology industry, including major areas of ethical related in information technology, such as, software ownership, data privacy, and computer cracking
Data Transmission & Computer Networks
Introduction to computer networks, Network architecture, OSI reference model, Transmission media, Transmission Impairments, Data encoding; Data Link: Error Detection, Medium Access control Protocols and standards, MAC Addressing, Link layer Switches, LAN standards & Devices: Ethernet and IEEE standards for LANs, Wireless networks; Network Layer: Virtual circuit and Datagram Networks, Router Structure, The Internet Protocol (IP), Routing Algorithms, Broadcasting and Multicasting; Transport Layer: TCP and UDP services, designs, and performance, Principles of Reliable Data Transfer; Application layer: The Web and HTTP, FTP, Electronic Mail, and DNS.
Software Requirements Engineering
This course covers requirements engineering in depth including the requirements engineering process, elicitation of requirements, functional and non-functional requirements, system services and constraints, quality of requirements, requirements traceability matrix, metrics for non-functional requirements, and software requirements specifications.
Decision Support Systems
The Decision Support System (DSS) is a system consists of a number of mechanisms to operate the Data to support the managers when making decisions based on computerized methods; and it provides them with suggestions and solutions to the multi parameters problems. Therefore, the decision support systems(DSS) course will give students an overview of the importance of the DSS in both public and private sectors; and this course’s focus is on the capabilities of the computerized DSS to support the decision making operations. Also, it identifies the nature and sources of data, data collection and data problems. Then, it identifies the classification of models, decision analysis of a few alternatives, optimization and Mathematical Programming
Information Systems Applications Development
This course is intended to provide students with the chance to develop small-sized information systems using the most current systems analysis and design tools and methodologies; and application development and user interface environments. Projects should reflect real-life problems and be developed as small team projects
Elective General Course
Operating Systems
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of computer operating systems. Topics to be discussed include a brief history of OS’s and their design and development. The course will cover major components of OS, the algorithms and implementation techniques used to create them. Most of the programming assignments will be done on Linux machines using C
Database Management Information Systems
This course covers the following topics: DBMS architecture and administration; centralized and client-server approaches, system catalog, and data dictionary, transaction management; concepts, characteristics, and processing, recovery techniques, concurrency control techniques: serializability, deadlock, locking schemes, time-stamp ordering, multi-version, and optimistic techniques, DB security, distributed databases, distributed DBMS, data fragmentation and replication, and distributed transactions management.
Project Management
This course addresses the main issues related to software project management such as project definition, scope management, planning, organization, resources, scheduling, control, quality, cost estimation, time estimation, and, risk management. Students are also introduced to project management tools such as Work Breakdown Structure, Gantt charts, PERT, and the critical path method. Topics covered also include project management ethics, and effective project manager skills such as people and leadership skills. Students should get exposed to a software package used for this purpose.
Information Security
Security fundamentals, policies, procedures, and mechanisms. Identification, authentication models, access control models. Data models, concepts and mechanisms for software, hardware, operating system and database security. Basic cryptography (symmetric and asymmetric) and its applications. Security in computer networks and distributed systems. Attacks types and how to prevent them. Prevention and control of viruses and other rogue programs. In addition, the basics of physical security, incidence response, disaster recovery, business continuity, and forensics
Electronic Business
Difference between e-business and e-commerce; e-commerce types: B2B, B2C, and, C2C; e-marketplaces; e-retailing, online advertising, e-procurement, exchanges, and portals; e-supply chains and collaborative commerce; mobile commerce and pervasive computing; auctions; e-commerce security; electronic payment systems, order fulfilment, and other support services; e-business strategy, launching a successful online business; legal, ethical, and social impacts of e-business; building e-commerce applications and infrastructure; e-government, e-learning, and other e-business applications; local and global implications of e-business
Introduction to Finance
The objective of this course is to provide students with the essential principles of finance. The main topics covered in this course include: financial environment, financial statements, taxes and cash flow, interest rates and time value of money, financial reports and their analysis, and risk and return
Enterprise Resources Planning
The course will cover the following topics: cost analysis, support of information services, personnel issues; recruitment, orientation, training, career planning, human factors and performance, how to break-ice with facility management and security issues, introduce standards and procedures of the information centre. The course also will cover the management of the enterprise’s resources and data processing security. Also, it covers the management of systems implementation and application’s installation strategies. Moreover, it will cover the system documentation, training, and supporting the users, maintaining information systems. Types of maintenance. Data processing aspects. Software project sizing and cost estimation
knowledge-Based Systems
This course introduces students to the basic concepts in knowledge-based systems and provides practical experience through project work. The standard architecture for knowledge-based system design will be provided. The topics covered include: knowledge representation and problem solving; knowledge acquisition and machine learning; knowledge level modelling, expert systems lifecycles. One of them is the expert system which is concerned with represented knowledge to perform tasks and utilizes reasoning methods to derive appropriate new knowledge and it is usually restricted to a specific problem domain The course will also show how to incorporate real-world knowledge into the systems they design
Graduation project 1
The student should take a B.Sc. project in related area to his specialization and with technical merit. This project is for two semesters, it is counted as two credits for the first semester and three credits for the second semester. At the end of the semester the student submits a report describing his project.
The projects are oriented toward providing experience in the establishment of objectives, criteria, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation; solution of open-ended problems; design methodology
Graduation project 2
The student should take a B.Sc. project in related area to his specialization and with technical merit. This project is for two semesters, it is counted as two credits for the first semester and three credits for the second semester. At the end of the semester the student submits a report describing his project.
The projects are oriented toward providing experience in the establishment of objectives, criteria, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation; solution of open-ended problems; design methodology
Elective Professional Course (2)
Elective Professional Course (3)
Network Security
The course will cover the concepts of the network security and its rules and levels to the access control. It also presents the principles, polices, and responsibilities of the Networks security. Moreover, this course will cover the encryption system for public keys and signatures: like Email and Web Pages protections. It also reviews the strength and weakness points of the networks, the basic skills of access control, Intrusion Detection, privacy, and other Security Tools; like the firewall which protects the networks from the unauthorized access.
Elective Islamic Culture (3)
Information Systems Governance
The term "Governance" specifies the ability of an organization to be able to control and regulate its own operation so as to avoid conflicts of interest related to the division between beneficiaries (shareholders) and people involved in the company. IS Governance refers to the managementof the Information Systems set up by a company to achieve its objectives.
Development of Secure Applications
The application layer is becoming more and more important. Many applications are developed in-house, thus security becomes dependent on developers and development methodology.
Risk management and evaluation
The risk management and evaluation course looks at risk from different perspectives and analyses the possibilities for managing it in each situation. It focuses primarily on operational, project, and reputation risk management.
Selected Topics in Information Security
This course focuses on current and selected research topics in Information security. It is a challenge to assure security in information systems. The course is structured as a research seminar where the lecturer is responsible to update the content of the course to the recent Information Security topics and students will present research papers to their peers. Topics may include personal information attacks, searches on encrypted data, broadcast encryption, private information retrieval, covert channels and anonymous communication, information hiding, among others.
Data Warehouse
This course provides an introduction to data warehouse design. Thiscourse cover the basic issues involved in planning, designing,and building,populating, and maintaining a data warehouse. Tasks include business modelling, entityrelationship diagramming using STAR techniques, dimensional and physical modelling,and warehouse meta data management. Also, students will study to how to use methods and tools for accessing and analysing warehouse data, and hence able to do the implementation and organizational issues surrounding a data
Data Mining & knowledge discovery
Data mining is concerned with the extraction of novel knowledge from large amounts of data. This course introduces and studies the concepts, issues, tasks and techniques of data mining. The data mining is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. Topics include data preparation and feature selection, association rules, classification, clustering, evaluation and validation, scalability, and data mining applications.
Database Management Systems Lab
This course covers the following topics: Selection of DBMS, Architecture of the chosen DBMS, DB creation, Indexing, Integrity Constraints triggers and assertions, Security management, Installation issues, Performance Management, Tuning, DB Backups, and Recovery issues. Other features of the DBMS: Integration with web technologies, DB connectivity tools, Data distribution, fragmentation, and replication issues, Management issues of the DBA activity.
Semi-Structured Data
This course will cover theSemi-Structured Data and its use in Web based applications. Semi-structured data focuses on describing and querying data that comes in a format less tightly structured than that found in relational databases. Such data is dominant on the Web, from HTML pages and weblog feeds; and it is a key component of Web based applications from Web sites to Web Services. The course also will cover the Web based applications in order to give students a good foundation in the variety of architectures and design patterns used to build interoperable Web based programs.
Selected Topics in Data and Knowledge Management
This course focuses on current and selected research topics in Data and Knowledge Management. The course is structured as a research seminar where the lecturer is responsible to update the content of the course to the recent Data and Knowledge Management topics and students will present research papers to their peers. Topics may include Data sources and collection ways, Data quality, Multimedia and object-oriented databases, Document management, Knowledge representation, Knowledge integration, Knowledge services.