Microsoft Academy

The Microsoft Academy was launched in the College of Computer and Information Sciences in order to implement the college strategy of integrating professional tracks with the study plans of the various disciplines. This is a step in line with the College's vision of reconciling the theoretical and applied sciences so that the students would be qualified during their academic studies to obtain international professional certificates. The Academy will train students through specialized training programs for academic tracks accredited Internationally, which will boost their level of readiness to enter the labor market after graduating directly in fields like information technology, networks, operating systems and programming. The academy will also improve the quality of the teaching and learning outcomes in the college. The inauguration of such an academy has a role in the certification of a number of trainers among faculty members, which has a great role in serving the community.

The Microsoft Academy aims to qualify programmers and specialists to apply for internationally recognized certification in the field of operating systems, programming, network management and database management. The College also provides educational resources and training to students to help them prepare their graduation projects and during their studies.

The College offers a number of elective courses in its study plans, which depend heavily on the curricula of the Microsoft Academy. These courses are:

  • Configuring & Administering Windows Server 2012(IT 252)
  • Web Development (IT 477)
  • Mobile Development (IT 478)
  • Gaming Development (IT 479)
  • .Net Technologies & Visual Programming (IT 480)