Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren, MU Rector, launched the traffic awareness club ‘Salik” under the department of general services in the presence of traffic directors in Majmaah, Zulfi, Sudair and Ghat as well as a number of the university staff. Mr. Moteb Al-Maymoni, director of general department of services, explained concisely the basic idea of the club and the primary objectives expected to be achieved. A ceremony was held on this occasion which began with a visual presentation which focused on the main reason of setting up the club, which is saving people’s life and the government’s increasing tendency to educate people about such important issue. The department therefore found it rather imperative to launch this club ‘Salik’ which will contribute in substance and value to identify major traffic problems and offer optimal solutions through research, campaigns and participation in local and international events related to traffic awareness. After that Dr. Al-Mugren launched the initiative ‘ university with no accident’ which aims to reduce traffic accidents in the university via raising traffic awareness among students, faculty and bus drivers. Dr. Al-Mugren gave a speech where he emphasized the importance of traffic safety for university staff and students and praised the excellent cooperation provided by all traffic departments in serving the university. The event was wrap up by presenting memorial shields to directors of traffic departments in Majmaah, Zulfi, Ghat and Sudair, followed by a field visit to the new buses.