Digital Transformation Unit

Digital Transformation Unit


This unit provides all electronic services to departments and contribute to the institutional structure and digital transformation via automating procedures and forms to achieve the goals of the Kingdom's Vision 2030. It also helps in the development of electronic business and digital transformation requirements, projects and digital initiatives to provide excellent and high-quality technical services.

Organizational affiliation:

Linked to the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs.


Excel and lead in providing e-services.


Create a conducive and smart digital electronic system that contributes to achieving the Kingdom's Vision 2030 through optimal use of technology to support the university's educational and research work and digital transformation.


Tasks and responsibilities:

Follow up on transactions and correspondence referred to the unit about the automation of procedures and e-transactions and digital transformation.

Suggest the necessary concepts for the automation of procedures and  e-transactions and digital transformation.

Offer consultations to the Vice-Rector's Office for Educational Affairs in the field of automating procedures, e-transactions and digital transformation

Identify all requirements and evidence for achieving digital transformation related to the Vice-Rector's Office and its affiliated departments.

Prepare and submit periodic and annual reports on the progress of e-transactions and digital transformation.

Undertake any assigned tasks related to the unit's field.