


- Promote understanding of (SDGs)
To conduct training programs and workshops to increase awareness and understanding of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and how to achieve them.


- Build local and regional capacities
To develop the skills of professionals, policy makers and community leaders to develop their capacities at the local and regional levels.


- Strengthen strategic partnerships
To encourage cooperation between government, private and international sectors and civil society organizations to achieve the SDGs.


- Exchange of knowledge and good practices
To create a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices in areas such as sustainable urban management, climate change and poverty reduction.


- Support innovation and technology
To encourage the use of technology and innovation as tools to accelerate progress towards sustainable development.


- Raise awareness of global and local challenges
To boost awareness of global challenges such as climate change and poverty, and how local interventions can contribute to solving these challenges.


- Working with United Nations organizations:
The Saudi Cifal Center provides unique access to global resources and expertise through its global network and affiliation with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, enhancing its ability to conduct advanced training programs in line with the latest international standards and practices.


- Specialized local expertise:
The Saudi Cifal Center has a deep understanding of the local context and challenges, enabling it to design training programs specifically to meet the needs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and achieve maximum impact in the areas of sustainable development, management and innovation.


- Focus on sustainable development:
The Saudi Cifal Center’s commitment to supporting and promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is a unique factor, allowing the Center to seek to integrate these goals into all its training programs and consulting projects.


- Strategic partnerships:
The Saudi Cifal Center is proud of its extensive network of partnerships with government agencies, international organizations, private sector, and civil society organizations, which expands its scope of influence and enhances its ability to provide comprehensive and innovative training solutions.


- Innovation in training:
The center relies on innovative training methods that include the use of modern technology and interactive and experiential learning methods, making the learning experience more effective and attractive for participants.


- Excellence in quality and performance:
The Saudi Cifal Center is committed to the highest quality standards in conducting training programs, through periodic evaluation and review processes that ensure continuous improvement and development of training content and methods.


- Tangible and measurable impact:
The center focuses on achieving measurable results with a lasting impact, as training programs are designed not only to transfer knowledge, but to stimulate positive change and enhance individual and institutional capabilities.


- Flexibility and adaptability:
The Saudi Cifal Center is well-known for its ability to adapt to new changes and challenges, allowing it to provide updated training solutions that respond to the evolving needs of beneficiaries.