First: Formation of the Board The management board of the Center comprises a chairman and six members; three of which are nominated by the university and the other three are nominated by Enayah Technology Company. A secretary is also assigned for the board. Second: Board Meetings The Board meets at least once a month, and two-third of the members must present for the meeting to be valid. A decision is determined by the majority of votes of members who are present . In the event of deadlock, the chair has a casting vote. Board Competencies: - Approval of annual operational plan of the center - Study the annual budget of the center - Propose amendments to the rules, regulations and structure of the center to ensure the progress of work - Approval of internal rules (procedural or executive) for the center; establish administrative units to run the work smoothly - Propose the annual operational budget and final accounts of the center - Propose MoU, partnerships and cooperation in medical, scientific, research, training and consultancy fields with local and international sectors - Propose establishing coordinating offices and branches in Saudi Arabia - Follow-up the properties and finance of the center - Assign to prepare the technical and financial proposals - Approval of contracting with experts, consultants and researchers who are highly qualified with extensive years of experience to provide services to the center - The Chairman of the Board is authorized to relegate some of his power to any member provided an approval received from all members - Approval of contracts and bids carried out by the center - Recommendation to appoint the general supervisor - Approval to appoint the executive manager