News archive


The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for March will be banked into students' accounts soon as we are approaching the holiday of Eid-Al-fiter. Dr.


The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for February was banked into students' accounts on Thursday, February 20, 2024.Dr. Al-Othman - Dean of Admissions and Registration - pointed out that the stipends are banked for all students including…


At the request of MU Rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, the Deanship of Admission and Registration announced that it will bank February stipend for eligible on Thursday as part of the founding day celebration, stated by the Dean of Admission and Registration, Dr.


The Deanship of Admission and Registration issued the academic calendar for the second semester (462) of the academic year 1446.


The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for December was banked into students' accounts on Wednesday, December 25, 2024.Dr. Al-Othman - Dean of Admissions and Registration - pointed out that the stipends are banked for all students including…


The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for November was banked into students' accounts on Sunday, November 24, 2024.Dr.

مكافأة شهر أكتوبر

The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for October was banked into students' accounts on Thursday, October 24, 2024.Dr.

ذوي الاعاقة

The Deanship of Admission and Registration announced that students with disabilities are welcomed to join the university in accordance with the controls and procedures for accepting students with disabilities who are exempted from the National Center for Measurement tests.


The Deanship of Admission and Registration for Students announces that those who are interested to study at Majmaah University can apply for supplementary admission via below links: 

Supplementary admission link for male students:


  The Deanship of Admission and Registration announced the date for opening the electronic admission portal for internal scholarships for non-Saudis (residents at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) to study at the university.

غلاف الدليل


The Deanship of Admission and Registration, in cooperation with the Unified Admission for Students in Riyadh, is planning to open admission for students on Sunday 12/24/1445 and end it on Thursday 12/28/1445 AH, 12 pm.



General Conditions for Bridging Programs 

ضوابط التسجيل

The Deanship of Admission and Registration at Majmaah University has published the academic calendar for the summer semester (455).

جائزة الجودة والتميز

Under the patronage of MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, the Deanship of Development and Quality held an awarding ceremony for Quality and Excellence at the auditorium in the main campus.

مكافاة شهر 5

The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for May was banked into students' accounts on Thursday, May 15, 2024.

استلام المشالح

Dear Graduate - The Deanship of Admission and Registration at Majmaah University congratulates you and informs you that you can receive your graduation gown.

The date for receiving the graduation gown will be as follow:

Majmaah students - University Building No. 3,

مكافاة شهر 4

The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for April was banked into students' accounts on Thursday, April 16, 2024.

منح 2

The Scholarships Department of the Deanship of Admission and Registration announced that international students can apply for scholarship via (Study in Saudi Arabia) platform which is a unified platform for submitting applications to Saudi universities (

مكافاة شهر 3

The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for March was banked into students' accounts on Monday, March 21, 2024.

مكافاة شهر 2

The Head of the Stipend Department, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Falih, reported that the stipend for Feb was banked into students' accounts on Wednesday Feb, 21, 2024.