Deanship of IT Participates in the Week of Technology & E-Transactions

The Deanship of IT has participated in the Week of Technology & E-Transactions which was patronized by His Excellency the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren and attended by their Excellency the Vice-rectors, Deans of Colleges and Supported Deanship.

This week is deemed as the result of four years of attempting in shifting the entire services of the university to be electronic which exceeded 70 electronic services.

Dean of IT Dr. Omar M. Al-Muteihi stated that this shift to electronic services has been done in two phases: construction stage, where the University got 88% and availability stage which is currently being evaluated by the e-services “Yasser”.  He also mentioned that these efforts are attributed to the excellent team who are highly qualified and supported by the University leadership.