Within the framework of the deanship of the library Affairs caring for providing, organizing the latest information sources and makes it available for all the university members, as one of its main objectives, the deanship recently terminated its subscription in a number of 31 of electronic edusearches (of international periodicals). These databases as following:
1- Edusearch
Edusearch is considered to be a large informative educational gate represents the optimum and integrated solution for specialists and researchers of the educational and learning field. Edusearch covers all the educational and scientific periodicals issued in Arabic language. Moreover, it includes works and researches of conferences and seminars in the education and learning field. It represents the direct and the most comprehensive supply line for studies and educational researches available in the complete text.
Link to Edusearch:
قاعدة بيانات Sciencedirect
رابط القاعدة : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science
2- Sciencedirect
This sciencedirect covers all subjects related to agriculture, biology, arts, humanitarian sciences, chemistry, embryology, economic, management, accounting, chemical engineering, computer sciences, information technology, administrative sciences, earth science, energy, engineering, environmental sciences, immunology and bacteriology, materials, mathematics, dentistry, neurology, health and nursing sciences, pharmacy and toxics, astronomy and physics, psychology, sociology and veterinary medicine.
Link to Sciencedirect:
قاعدة بيانات Scopus
رابط القاعدة : http://www.scopus.com/home.url
3- Scopus
Scopus includes extracts and referential quotations about the intellectual production published in the scientific periodicals and web sources in all the human knowledge fields. Scopus helps in recognizing the intellectual production published in more than 15 thousands titles available for more than 4000 publisher. It also includes 12850 academic periodicals, 500 periodicals posted online, summaries and quotations, 700 scientific conferences, 28 millions of referential quotations for extracts and 13 millions of patents…etc.
Link to Scopus:
قواعد بيانات Gale Online Databases
رابط القواعد:
4- Gale Online Databases
It includes a number of the specialized databases in the different scientific and literary fields plus the experimental period for databases of books and periodicals by which the gross total of the electronic databases become 40 specialized databases.
Link to Gale Online Databases:
قاعدة بيانات Sage Premier with 560++ online full text journals
رابط القاعدة : http://online.sagepub.com/login
5- Sage Premier with 560++ online full text journals
It includes the complete text for more than 360000 articles in more than 555 precise scientific periodicals among the best periodicals published all over the world, specialized in communication studies, criminology, education, health science, administrative science, material science, political science, psychology, sociology and urban planning and other knowledge in a variety of branches and fields.
Link: http://online.sagepub.com/login
قاعدة بيانات Academic Search Complete Plus
رابط القاعدة : http://search.ebscohost.com/
6- Academic Search Complete Plus
It includes the complete text of a number estimated by 4700 magazines and summaries for a number of 3330 magazines specialized in areas of sciences, technology and sociology.
قاعدة بيانات Medline
رابط القاعدة : http://search.ebscohost.com/
7- Medline
It provides bibliographical information and summaries for more than 4800 medical periodicals. In addition to the complete text for more than 400 available electronic periodicals.
8.قاعدة بيانات IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL)
رابط القاعدة : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/guesthome.jsp
8- IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL)
It covers all subjects related to the electronic engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, information technology and the applied physics and other.
Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/guesthome.jsp
مجموعة قواعد الناشر بروكويست
Prerequisites for the publisher
قاعدة بيانات PQ Biology journals
رابط القاعدة :http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?cfc=1
9- PQ Biology journals
It's considered to be a major source of information in the biology field, including a range of widely spread magazines in the biology filed. Information type: complete text and photos of more than 53 specialized magazine in subjects of nutrition, infectious diseases, zoology, history of nature, environmental system and other. Coverage started since 1988.
قاعدة بيانات Science Journals
رابط القاعدة : http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?cfc=1
10- Science Journals
It's a major information source in areas of science which lot of science colleges depend upon it. It includes complete text and photos in a number of 209 scientific specialized magazine in subjects of nutrition, infectious diseases, zoology, history of nature, environmental system and other. Coverage of complete text started since 1997, extracts since 1993 and indexes since 1983.
قاعدة بيانات ABI / Inform Global
رابط القاعدة : http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?cfc=1
11- ABI / Inform Global
It's considered to be one of the most important available databases which provides information about commerce 30 years ago. It covers a great deal of commercial magazines and is used in most of economic and management college all over the world. It has a variety of information, including complete text, summaries, indexes and complete photos. It includes more than 1000 scientific magazines address the market attitudes, modern administrative methods, public strategies and international manufacturing subjects.
قاعدة بيانات Medical Library
رابط القاعدة : http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?cfc=1
12- Medical Library
It offers strong series in medicine and biomedicine. This database includes graphics, charts, photos, tables and other essential visual means used in the medical searches.
قاعدة بيانات Dissertations and Theses - Full Text
رابط القاعدة : http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?cfc=1
13- Dissertations and Theses - Full Text
This database is specialized in Dissertations & Theses and it contains more than 2.4 millions data entries. It considered to be the most famous one in spreading theses by 65.000 theses per year. It includes more than 930.000 theses in a PDF format.
قاعدة بيانات LISA
رابط القاعدة : http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?cfc=1
14- LISA
It contains approximately 600 periodicals, in addition to books and searches in the field of libraries, information and relative indexing, classifications and information.
قاعدة بيانات CSA Technology Collection
رابط القاعدة : http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?cfc=1
15- CSA Technology Collection
A Complete group contains multi-subjects databases.
قاعدة بيانات Wilson Applied Sci and Tech FT
16- Wilson Applied Sci and Tech FT
It includes audiology, aviation science, applied mathematics, artificial intelligence, quality science, automatic control, automotive engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, communication and information technology, computer databases, software, building electrical and electronic engineering.
HYPERLINK "http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/getStartPage.jhtml;hwwilsonid=UL0YFPJZ…"
قاعدة بيانات StatRef References Collection(86 Titles)
رابط القاعدة :
17- StatRef References Collection (86 Titles)
It's a medical database shows model references and titles by different publishers. It's available in a feasible way for researchers in the medicine field. It has a variety of information, including complete text, extracts and indexes.
قاعدة بيانات AskZad
رابط القاعدة : http://www2.askzad.com/genpages/default.aspx
18- AskZad
It's considered to be the memory of the Arabic journalism and a comprehensive source of information which fulfills the researchers, media professionals and officials inside and outside the Arabic world. This database is distinguished in the sense that it's available in the Arabic language and it provides easy and advanced search; since you can search by article, author or journal name, otherwise by post date.
AskZad service in its new shape provide a range of databases for the Arabic searcher which cover the scientific and intellectual production in the Arabic world, including books, periodical, researches, thesis, dissertations, conference papers and also specialized lexicons and dictionaries in different languages and encyclopedias.
قاعدة بيانات ERIC
رابط القاعدة : http://search.ebscohost.com/
19- ERIC
It includes the largest digital library in the field of literary and educational sciences.
قاعدة بيانات Communication and Mass Media Com
رابط القاعدة : http://search.ebscohost.com/
20- Communication and Mass Media Com
It includes information in the field of journalism and media available in all types of readable, audio/visual means.
قواعد بيانات المكتبة الالكترونية Digital Library Plus (DL+)
Digital Library Plus (DL+)
You can access the following eight databases through subscription for the electronic library via this link:
قاعدة بيانات American Society Of Civil Engineers(ASCE)
رابط القاعدة : www.asce.org
21- American Society Of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
It involves subjects of civil engineering, its materials, space engineering, road, highway and bridge engineering, management in the engineering fields and urban planning and development.
قاعدة بيانات American Institute Of Physics (AIP)
رابط القاعدة : http://journals.aip.org/
22- American Institute Of Physics (AIP)
This database covers all subjects related to physics.
وقاعدة بيانات American Physical Society Journals(APS)
Database of American Physical Society Journals (APS) covers all subject related to physics.
قاعدة بيانات Emerald Full Text Plus / Emx175
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ رابط القاعدة :
23- Emerald Full Text Plus / Emx175
This database covers all businesses, libraries and information sciences, accounting, auditing, economic, information management, library of collecting and managing development, libraries, information and services management, Technology, logistics, supply chain management, marketing, production operations, police administration, public administration, sector administration, quality and training administration, continuous vocational development and learning engineering, material science, environmental management, food and nutrition, public administration, health care administration, hosting and services administration, human resources administration.
قاعدة بيانات MD Consult
تغطي القاعدة جميع التخصصات الطبية والجراحية
رابط القاعدة : http://www.mdconsult.com/php/269884080-1008/homepage
Database of MD Consult covers all medical and surgical specialties.
HYPERLINK "http://www.mdconsult.com/php/269884080-1008/homepage"
قاعدة بيانات Cambridge University Press (CUP)
رابط القاعدة : http://www.journals.cambridge.org/
24- Cambridge University Press (CUP)
It covers all scientific subjects related to agriculture, anthropology, archeology, art, astronomy, Britain history, molecular biology, chemistry, classical studies, computer sciences, engineering, English and Arabic languages, European history, medicine, philosophy, physics, politics. Regarding the social aspect, it includes history, intellect, psychology, religion, sociology, zoology, botany.
قاعدة بيانات British Medical Journals (BMJ)
رابط القاعدة :http://group.bmj.com/products/journals
26- British Medical Journals (BMJ)
It covers all sciences of clinical medicine, pediatrics, sport medicine, emergency medicine, cardiology, diseases, medicine ethics, neurology, nerves, psychology, public health, Evidence-based Medicine (EBM ), nursing and practicing management.
قاعدة بيانات Oxford University Press(OUP)
رابط القاعدة : http://www.oxfordjournals.org/
27- Oxford University Press (OUP)
This database covers multi-sciences, including humanitarian sciences, law, life science, mathematics, physics & medicine and social sciences.
HYPERLINK "http://www.oxfordjournals.org/"
قاعدة بيانات Math Science
رابط القاعدة : http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/
28- Math Science
This database covers mathematics and statistics and computation.
قاعدة بيانات OVID collection
قاعدة بيانات ACM digital library
قاعدة بيانات Royal Society of Chemistry Journals (RSC) gold
The following are some database being subject to termination of subscription
29- OVID collection
30- ACM digital library
31- Royal Society of Chemistry Journals (RSC) gold
Soon there will be an objective coverage for each database separately. It's worth mentioning that user name and password have been made public to all colleges, supporting deaneries and administrations within the university