The Deanship of Development and Quality welcomed a member of the final mock visit team to renew institutional accreditation.
MU's rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, held a meeting with employees from the Deanship of Development and Quality head by the dean, Dr. Faris Al-Faris. The meeting was held in the presence of the vice rector for educational affairs, Prof.

The Deanship of Development and Quality received a group of students from the College of Education in the English Language Department. They were welcomed by the vice-dean, Dr. Faris Al-Faris, advisors, and staff.

The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development held a workshop entitled: Techniques of Writing Course Description and Report. The workshop is part of the intensive program to qualify academic programs for accreditation.

The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development invites you to a workshop entitled (Techniques of Preparing Course Description and Report).
Presenter: Dr. Rand Ismail,
Day and Time: Tuesday, Sep, 19th, 2023, 9:30 am to 12 pm

The Deanship of Student Affairs concluded the Enrichment Program held virtually at the request of MU rector and the follow-up of the dean, Dr. Saleh Al-Rasheedi. The program aims at helping students to utilize their leisure time by honing their skills.

The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development is pleased to offer a series of enriching training workshops during Ramadan. These workshops - 7 workshops, will be conducted through the "Ertiqa" platform and target the faculty members at the university.

In line with the project of preparing and following up programs to apply and obtain accreditation, a team from the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development headed by Dr.

At the request of the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development conducted on Sunday a visit to the College of Engineering to hold a workshop with its leaders and members of the Quality and Development Unit.

At the request of the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development conducted on Sunday a visit to the Applied College to hold a workshop with its leaders and members of the Quality and Development Unit.

The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development is pleased to invite you to attend the training workshop offered online to prepare new faculty members entitled: "Introducing new faculty members to the services provided by the support deanships"

Under the patronage of MU, rector Prof. Al-Mizil, The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development concluded its enrichment training programs offered during Ramadan, which targeted faculty members and staff in cooperation with the Deanship of Human Resources.

The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development held a meeting for the external audit team that will participate in evaluating the performance of the departments and centers.

As part of the field visits for the internal audit project, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development, headed by the acting Dean Dr. Fareih al-Anizi, visited the Strategic Planning Department.

Under the patronage of MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, the Vice-Rector's Office in cooperation with the Deanship of Quality is inviting you to a program entitled "The philosophy of coexistence and cultural diversity and how to promote them on campus".
Presenter: Dr. Sara Al-Subaih

The Deanship of Quality and Skills Development, represented by its assigned dean, Dr. Freih Al-Anazi, and the director of of the team assigned to audit administrations and centers' documents, Mr.

A team from the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development carried a visit on Monday to the College of Education in Zulfi to inspected the program of Islamic Studies.

As its mission to qualify academic programs to obtain academic accreditation, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development conducted a visit to the College of Science and Humanities in Remah to ensure that the English Language Program is ready for academic accreditation.

As part of its plan to execute the program accreditation plan, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development headed by the acting dean, Dr. Freeh Al-Enezi visited the College of Business Administration "Law Program" in Ghat, on Sunday 22 / 5 / 1443.