About Strategic Plan

Majmaah University and Strategic Plan



          Strategic management includes the administration of organizational activities and operations at institutions in an organized comprehensive way. In this context, strategic planning is widely considered part and parcel of the strategic management system. Notably, it pays a particular attention to identifying the long-term direction of a certain higher education institution, determining its options, selection of its desired goals, implementing suitable programs for their practical achievement on the ground, and finally making the maximum use of effective monitoring systems to effectuate required change.

          It’s against this backdrop that Majmaah university continuously seek to develop and modernize its academic system as well as improving its final outcomes in tandem with the future aspirations of both officials and decision-makers in addition to fulfilling the requirements of the job market and community development from a comprehensive systematic perspective.

          Accordingly; Majmaah university has adopted strategic planning concepts and applications in university institutions. A case in point here is that the university has recently signed its strategic plan contract with its two local and international partners, i.e. Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC) and Arab Organization for Training and Development (AOTD).


íProject Goal:

          Majmaah university actively seek to paint a picture for a creative future characterized by continuity and sustainability via identifying priorities, formulating desired goals and reaching the most optimal possible utilization of available capacities and resources.


íProject Scope:

Ä Preparation for planning;

Ä Conducting diagnostic studies to scan both internal and external environments;

Ä Preparation of an in-depth analysis for both internal and external environments as well as identifying the university strategic issues;

Ä Formulation of both future vision and mission;

Ä Formulation of values as well as work determinants and specifications;

Ä Shaping general goals;

Ä Formulation of detailed strategies; and

Ä Formulation of performance indicators.


íProject Implementation Period:

The Majmaah university strategic plan is destined to be completed within a period of six months.