Community Mobile E-training and Learning Project
In light of the third function of the university represented in the service of society, the Rectorship represented in the Deanship of e-learning and distance learning adopted the "Community Mobile E-training and Learning Project" in partnership with the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education, The idea of the project was to provide community service through the dissemination of the culture of e-learning, and increase the effectiveness of communication between the university and the community, and the achievement of the Strategic Plan of the University, and raise the cultural and scientific level of the members of the target group.
Phases of the project
The first phase was to form the committee of the project (the Preparatory Committee for the project for educational and community services ), which carried out many periodic meetings to develop and choose the right name of the project and the plan and its implementation, and the study of the presentations of the companies and choose the best of them and coordination with the Ministry of Communications to discuss and study the related issues with access to similar projects in order to find out the errors and observations and avoid them, the second phase was to buy the bus and test and match it to the required specifications and all the requirements, and the work of the amendments , in the third phase the bus was supplied with computers, a smart board, cameras, air conditioners, furniture, decoration and other things.