Under the patronage of His Highness the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mogren, a rhetoric ceremony will be held to launch the week of technology and e-transactions, which will be held for five days attached with a number of courses and workshops.

The purpose of this week is to promote for the culture of technology and to disseminate the concept of e-transactions among all society sectors and the impact it will have on their life. This week will target all the society sectors with a particular focus on the university staff as well as all government sectors and education administrations. A number of sectors are participating in this event including: Deanship of IT, Admission and Registration Deanship, E-Learning and Distance Education Deanship, Library Affairs Deanship, Community Service and Continues Education, Faculty Members and Staff Affairs Deanship, Services Administration, General Directory of Administrative and Financial Affairs, Follow-up Department, Preparatory Year Deanship, Operation and Maintenance, E-Transactions Program (Yasser), National Center for E-Learning and Distance Education, National Plan for Telecommunication, Information Technology and private and government sectors related to higher education.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Rumeih, Director of the Organization Committee stated that the effectiveness of any sector whether private or government is determined by its ability to apply technology in its entire works. Therefore, a number of organizations were found measure the extent to which any organization has been able to employ technology in its transactions. Towards that end, Majmaah University has established a supreme committee to supervise that shift. This committee is chaired the Rector and a number of specialists in this field.  He added that the university has made enormous achievements in its transactions since most of them are executed electronically. The university was successfully able to automatism many systems like the committee and minutes system, follow up staff system, maintenance, etc.




Last modified
Wednesday, 30/October/2013