As the Deanship of Community Service & Continues Education is in pursuit of providing training services to the society, the female training center was launched by His Excellency the Rector Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren. The building was renovated and improved to be a training building in accordance with highest standards of training that will meet the training needs of women with an eye on the market demand. The launch was attended by the directors of the targeted governmental sectors. A rhetorical ceremony was held which included a number of speeches and a documentary film about the training center.

Heilah Al-Murshid, Director of the Center delivered a speech where she reviewed the plan, programs and & future aspirations of the training center.

A lecture was presented by the expert in human development at Saint Michael’s College, USA, Dr. Alfas Neebia where he talked about some of the international experience in society training and highlighted the experience of California University and Texas University and the role they played in developing the training at social service centers as well as qualifying the trainers in accordance with the market needs.

Addressing the audience, the Rector, Dr. Al-Mugren delivered a speech where he stressed the important role played by the Deanship of Community Service in serving the society and developing the individuals performance in accordance with market needs. He also urged to exert more efforts to activate the center to be a reference for training in the society.

The Dean of Community Service, Dr. Omar Al-Sharyofi stated that the renovation and development of the center was a result of the follow-up of His Excellency the Rector, Dr. Al-Mugren who directed the respected authority to ensure that the center is fully equipped the latest criteria in this field. He also added that the center comprises five training labs for computer skills and language skills.          

Last modified
Sunday, 26/January/2014