Under the auspices of his Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khaled bin Saad Al Muqrin, and in the presence of his Excellency the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, Prof. Mohammad bin Othman Al Rukban, and Dean of Student Affairs, Hamad bin Abdullah Al Gumaizy, the field of Equestrian in Majmaah has launched its race ceremony the twenty-third and the last for the academic year 1435 H, on the Cup and Rewards of Majmaah University. The race has consisted of five runs, Dean of Student Affairs, Hamad bin Abdullah Al Gumaizy, has distributed the prizes of the first four runs on the winners, while the last and the fifth run his Excellency the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, Prof. Mohammad bin Othman Al Rukban, has handed over the University Cup on the winner, as he was pleased to hand over prizes and certificates on the participants and distinguished participants in the field of Equestrian in Majmaah. After that a press meeting was held with His Excellency the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, and Dean of Student Affairs. On this occasion a hospitality ceremony was provided to all the attendees, Dean of Student Affairs expressed his thanks for his Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khaled bin Saad Al Muqrin, on his generous patronage of this race, and other activities and programs held by or sponsored by the Deanship of Student Affairs. Dr. Al Gumaizy confirmed that his Excellency the Rector of the University  is always directing the need to take care of all the programs that meet the wishes and needs of male and female university students, or the programs that serve the people of the governorates covered by the services of the University. He also expressed his thanks for his Excellency the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs for attending and honoring this race, and on his praising the ongoing activities implemented by the Deanship. Therefore, his Excellency the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs has praised the organization and arrangement carried out by the management of the field of Equestrian in Majmaah, which showed the race distinctively. However, It is worth mentioning that the race was attended by a large number of employees and university students, and fans of equestrian sport, and the people of the governorate, in addition to the  media coverage from different media, as well as the Public Relations and Media  in the university.


Last modified
Sunday, 06/April/2014