Sponsored by His Excellency the Rector of the University, the College of Education in Zulfi organizes “My Prayer is my Dearest” Seminar. Sponsored by His Excellency the Rector of the University, the College of Education in Zulfi organizes “My Prayer is my Dearest” Seminar at the College’s Compound Al-Zulfi under the auspices of the Rector Dr. Khalid Bin Saad Al-Megren. His Excellency the Vice-Dean Dr. Muslim Bin Mohamed Al-Dosari represented His Excellency the Rector during lunch. The seminar was honored by the presence of his Excellency the Zulfi Governor, Professor Fayhan Bin Abdul-Aziz Bin Lebda. Also, the lunch activities and the accompanied exhibition were attended by his Excellency the Zulfi Mayor, His Excellency the Director of the College of Education in Zulfi, His Excellency Al Zulfi Hospital Director, His Excellency the President of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice Center, His Excellency the President of the Association of Memorizing the Quran, His Excellency the Director of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Department, His Excellency the President of the Zulfi Charity Association, His Excellency the Dean of the Technology College, His Excellency the Director of the Industrial Institute, His Excellency the Director of the Entrepreneurship Center, and His Excellency the Director of the Zulfi Youth Welfare office, and a number of the local government departments. Besides, a number of colleges participated in the exhibition such as: the Majmaa College of Education, the Al-Zulfi College of Science, the College of Business Administration, the Deanship of Students Affairs, the Public Relations Department at the University. The Ceremony started with verses from the Holy Quran, then the Word of the Dean of the Zulfi College of Education, Dr. Abdullah Bin Khalifa Al-Swiket. In his brief speech, he clarified that this forum was a reminder of the obligation of the prayer, a recall of its virtues, and a proof for its importance and greatness though awareness programs, training courses, manuals and lectures, inside and outside the colleges since prayer is the pillar of worship. Then, he thanked God and the rulers of this blessed country led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz, may God protect him and give him health and wellness, to the Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, to the Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Muqren Bin Abdul Aziz for their permanent support for the universities and the higher education, to the Rector, Dr Khalid Bin Saad Al-Muqren who sponsored and encouraged this forum. Thanks, also, went to His Excellency the Vice Dean Dr, Muslim Bin Mohamed Al-Dosari who acted on behalf of his Excellency in the sponsorship of this meeting. He also directed his thanks to the College partners to make this meeting succeed. These partners are: The Education Administration, the Technological College, the Industrial Institute, the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Commission, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Association of Memorizing the Quran, the Charity Association, the Office of Educating Communities, the Entrepreneurship Institute, Insane Association, the Zulfi Youth Welfare Office, the Deanship of Student Affairs, the Majmaa Education College, the Zulfi Science College, and the Business Administration College. Then, his Excellency the Vice Dean, Dr, Muslim Bin Saad Al-Dosari delivered an additional concise word in which he welcomed all the attendance especially His Highness Al- Zulfi Governor who honored the meeting with his presence and participation. Also, he welcomed the University guests such as, their Excellency heads of government departments, and expressed them the greetings of His Excellency the Rector as well as for the College for its initiative to establish such a meeting. Also, he commended the programs and the activities undertaken within the activities of the forum. Besides, he indicated the importance of these activities in stressing the virtue and the importance of prayer in the Muslim’s life. Furthermore, he emphasized the need to establish such educational activities on a continuous basis throughout the year, and he wished that this forum achieved its intended objectives. And then, he concluded by thanking everyone, and announcing the result of the competitions held by college, namely the contest on a book entitled “The Prayer” for Professor Dr. Abdullah Al-Tayar. The Second was for the best documentary film on Prayer. Then, the nearly Seven Thousands Riyal- awards were distributed on the contestants. In addition, His Excellency the Vice Dean honored the participants from both inside and outside the university. Then, and all of them moved to halls of the college to inaugurate the accompanied exhibition in which eleven governmental departments had participated as well as a number of university colleges and its supportive Deanships. Moreover, all of them paraded in the exhibition which had received an unmatched admiration in terms of order, organization, and professionalism. Then, some competitions were held in front of the audience, and everyone moved to inaugurate “To Where Our Environment?” gallery which was held on the sidelines of the forum and which was prepared and executed by 60 female students from the college. Indeed, the laboratory had a significant contribution in checking the Province’s soil. And, he gave a detailed report to His Excellency the Vice Dean who expressed his admiration for the work which will bring benefits to the province and its natural environment. Subsequently, all of them moved to inaugurate the Takhrij Al-Hadith Laboratory which is the first of its kind at the university level, and one of the peculiarities of the high education in terms of processing and content integration. As a matter of facts, this laboratory aims to train students of the Islamic Studies and to equip them with the skills of Takhrij Al-Hadith in terms of judging its authenticity and doubtfulness on paper and electronic files. And, His Excellency the Vice Rector thanked the College for adopting such projects. He thanked also the Islamic Studies Department for the initiative to help the student acquire research skills, and he wished transmitting this experience to other colleges that compromises Islamic Studies departments at the university. Thereafter, all of them moved to inaugurate the E-Learning Laboratory which was implemented by the E-Learning Deanship, and His Excellency Inaugurated the laboratory. Then, all the attendee viewed the achieved equipments, while His Excellency alluded to the importance of investing in such equipment in disseminating the E-Learning culture. Finally, the laboratory equipment staff were honored.

Last modified
Sunday, 27/April/2014