Representing Majmaah University, vice-chancellor Dr. Musallam Muhammad Al-Dousari, has participated in the meetings of the teams formed from several universities and higher education authorities in the Gulf States in order to study a proposal of a new process for organizing prizes at the gulf universities. These meetings were held at Princess Noura University from Monday 25/05/1436 H. to Tuesday 26/05/1436 H.  


In this respect, Dr. Al-Dousari pointed that the committee of rectors and directors of higher studies institutions come from the Gulf States. In its 20th meeting held in Kuwait, the committee agreed to form a team from several Gulf universities ( Majmaah University- King Khalid University- UAE University- Bahrain University- Qatar University- Sultan Qaboos University- General Organization of Applied Education and Training in Kuwait- Princess Noura University as Head of the Team) to study the prize mechanism of organization according to the proposal submitted by Princess Noura University covering the main aspects of education, research and community service.


Moreover, Dr. Dousari pointed out that the team has reached a draft of the proposal that will be submitted by the secretary of the Gulf States to the universities and higher education institutions. In subsequent meetings, the team will review any notes or changes made by those universities to the draft before submitting it to the rectors and heads of higher education institutions in its next meeting.


The main objective of the team in this meeting is to reach a comprehensive vision of the prize covering all the previously mentioned aspects according to clear and measurable benchmarks in addition to defining the prize recipient.    

Last modified
Sunday, 05/April/2015