The University Rector Dr. Khaled Sa’ad Almuqrin extended thanks and gratitude to the minister of higher education Dr. Azzam Mohammad Aldakheel on the occasion of issuing his decree of assigning him as a supervisor of Shaqra’a University to conduct its financial, administrative and academic work. This reflects that great trust has been put in him and also shows the the excellent reputation that university has attained and how successful it has been that has a great impact on the staff. Moreover, his highness the University Rector stressed that this trust is an honor for him, and he hoped he would be at the expectation of his highness, and he would continue to complete what has been achieved in Shaqra’a University of some work worth gratitude and appreciation by everyone. In fact, what the university has witnessed of development is a result of what former colleagues have achieved. His highness added that he would work with everyone on Shaqra’a University of leaders and academic and administrative cadres to complete all the work in a manner that would please Allah, and he would work to the best of his capabilities to pay back the debt to this priceless nation and wise government. He hoped he would be able to complete his journey in serving the society through Shaqra’a University in cooperation with everyone that would benefit the nation as a whole in accordance with the highest criteria of the contemporary universities for the university to be able to meet knowledge desires, and achieve the scientific ambitions of the population of the areas nearby as well as the aspirations of rulers. His highness added that Saudi universities are able to achieve the aspirations of citizens by the blessings of Allah first and foremost and by the substantial support universities receive by the government of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, May Allah preserve him. What has been provided of devices and facilities and the titanic budgets have contributed immensely to development of the universities. The government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques is so generous in supporting universities financially that helped universities achieve a great number of accomplishments. His highness extended thanks to the Shaqra’a University staff for their extraordinary efforts and cooperation to establish this university and complete all its units. It really helped the university build its excellent reputation. He stressed that one of the secrets for any university to be successful after Allah’s guidance is integrity, justice, equality and transparency as well as creating an environment where people live in harmony. Before concluding his speech, he prayed to God to protect our leader and bless him with the blessings of health and keep our nation safe, secure and prosperous.


Last modified
Monday, 10/August/2015