Out of its vision to activate the community partnership and extend the bridge of communication with the relevant health departments in the Kingdom, the College of Applied Medical Science received a delegation from King Faisal Hospital & Research Center. The male delegation was met by Dr. Majid Al-Omari- Vice-dean for Student Affairs- and Dr. Jazi Al-Otibi- Head of the Nursery Department-, while the female delegation was received by Dr. Amal Al-Otibi- Vice-dean for Student Affairs-, Dr. Entisar Wakid, Assistant vice-dean for Academic Affairs in addition to Dr. Jehan Al-Zikri- Coordinator of the Nursery Department. The visit aimed at exploring ways of cooperation between the Department of Nursery and the Hospital, providing ample opportunities for student training and preparing them for competition in the labor market as well as clarifying the procedures and regulations of clinical training at the hospital along with the explanation of recruitment policy at the hospital. Subsequently, the delegation met the faculty members of the college and the students at advanced levels. Then a field tour was taken for reviewing the labs and classrooms of the college. The meeting has resulted in recommendations for mutual cooperation between the Nursery Department and the hospital in several fields such as research, community service and student visits. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Thefiri- Dean of the College- thanked the visiting delegation which consisted of Mr. Ahmad Al-Khabiri, Mr. Hamad Al-Kenani, Mr. Muhammad Al-Shahrani, Ms. Ruqaya Al-Swellam, and Ms. Ayisha Felata, Ms. Amal Al-Baranwi, hoping the best for all, and for that cooperation to fulfill students’ ambitions towards excellence in both their college and career.

Last modified
Monday, 21/March/2016