In response to the instructions of Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin and at the direction of the Board of Directors of Friends of Integrity Club at the University, the Club helped in the promotion of the concepts of integrity in cooperation with faculties and Faculty members of the University.

Dr. Hamad Qamizi- Dean of Student Affairs and Chairman of the Club- pointed out that the Board of Directors of the Club has defined some of the concepts related to integrity and fighting corruption regarding Majmaah University students. Additionally, due to the faculty members’ prominent roles in the establishment of these ideas, they have contributed to the integration of these values.

Dr. Qamizi thanked the rector for his support and follow-up to the progress of the Club. Also, he extended his appreciation to the deans and faculty members of the participating colleges for their participation in spreading the culture of integrity in the campus.

Last modified
Tuesday, 22/March/2016