A workshop was held for the teams of the Strategic Plan of Majmaah University Hospital in Muneera Hall at Madareem Crown Hotel in Riyadh.


Dr. Mosallam Al-Dousari- Vice-rector of the University and Dr. Muhammad Arokban- Advisor to the rector for Quality and University Hospital- as well as members of the 5 teams of the Strategic Plan attended the event.


Head of the Committee responsible for the Strategic Plan of the University Hospital, Dr. Rokban welcomed the attendees at the beginning of the workshop and thanked them for their efforts in the past few months.


Then the Team charged with studying the strategic plans of local and international university hospitals presented its findings and the main recommendations.


Furthermore, the team responsible for national standards in terms of health services and nationalization presented its findings followed by recommendations.


Other teams presented their findings and recommendations as well such as the one examining the international standards at university hospitals, the other studying the health situation of the region and community expectations as well as the last one looking into the University vision and its personnel expectations of the University Hospital.


Afterwards, Dr. Nasser Al-Manie discussed the forthcoming stage, its requirements and objectives.


There was a good discussion of the findings and recommendations at the workshop.


Dr. Arokban thanked the members for their efforts in their studies and findings, which would be beneficial in drawing up the Strategic Plan of the University Hospital. 

Last modified
Monday, 17/October/2016