Education College in Zulfi Presents: How to be Innovative

Education College in Zulfi Presents: How to be Innovative?

Lecture Date: Sunday 15\1\1438 AH Lecture Time: 9-10 a.m. Location: Theater of of the Zulfi Colleges’ Complex. Targeted Group: Students of Education College in Zulfi. Audience Count: 40 Students. Presenter: Dr. Bakheet Al-Rasheedi, the Director of the Innovations & Students’ Outstanding Ideas Center. Objectives: The lecture aimed to : 1- Define innovation and its importance to improve the student's academic performance. 2- Clarify the difference between innovation, invention and creativity. 3- Give students tips on innovation at work. The lecture also covered the following topics: The trainer started with an open discussion with students targeting to assess their understanding of innovation. Afterwards, he gave a definition of innovation and its features. He also covered the features differing innovation from other concepts, and the importance of innovation and invention, generally. Finally, he explained the phases of innovation, characteristics of innovative person, and supporting factors and obstacles of innovation. Dr. Yaser Jebreel Moa'dh. Supervisor of the Training Unit of Education College in Zulfi

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020