Educational Sciences Department holds 4th annual exhibition

Educational Sciences Department holds 4th annual exhibition

Educational Sciences Department holds 4th annual exhibition Under the auspices of his Excellency the Dean of the College of Education in Zulfi, Dr. Abdullah Khaleefa Al-Sweaket, and under the supervision of the Head of the Department of Educational Sciences, Dr. Mohammed Saad Al-Sharif, the Department of Educational Sciences held its 4th exhibition on Wednesday 24/07/1436 H in the department building, - females section. The opening of the exhibition was attended by the dean of the college, the vices dean of the college, heads of the departments, and faculty members on Wednesday 24/07/1436 H, at 3:00 pm, and on Thursday 25/07/1436 H, at 9:00 am in the morning. Furthermore, the exhibition included a presentation of many activities related to educational curricula, teaching tools in addition to the files of achievement of various curricula.







Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020