Exams' Common Mistakes

Exams' Common Mistakes

Under the sponsorship of the Educational Department at the College of Education in Zulfi and in collaboration with the Quality Center and the Department of Educational Science, the College of Education in Zulfi held a training session titled “Common Mistakes in Exams.” Dr. Thafir Al-Qarni, the Vice-dean for Educational Affairs, gave the session on Tuesday 26/02/1437 in the Quality Center Room (in the men campus) and the in Training Section (in the women campus). The session was centered on several topics: • the need to discuss the common mistakes in exams; • common mistakes in exams can be made throughout various stages such as teaching, exam building, exam-taking, and marking. • introduction to educational theories (Behavior-cognitive-constructive); • the Learning Ladder • Maslow's hierarchy of needs (human needs pyramid); • the theory of multiple intelligences; • the characteristics of achievement tests; • requirements of good tests; • students’ mistakes in tests.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020