A meeting of the exams committee by faculty members


A meeting of the exams committee by faculty members


As the College always seeks to clarify matters relating to all exams procedures, since their date is near, the Exams Committee on behalf of the College organized a meeting on Monday 11/2/1434 at the Zulfi College theater with faculty members in order to explain  some measures and recommendations regarding the first term exams of the academic year 1433/1434 and their progress.

The meeting was attended by the Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs Prof. Nasser bin Othman Al-Othman, Head of the Department of Islamic Studies, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Ahmed Alolaiwi, and President of the Center for Quality Dr. Abdulhakim Radwan, Supervisor of the English Department Prof. Sami Zaarir, faculty members, and finally the Director of Student Affairs.

This meeting began with a speech by Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Prof. Jabor bin Azaviha elfahhem who welcomed the audience, and then talked about exams and their progress, exams instructions and how to enter grades by logging into the electronic system. He also strongly recommended to refer to the exams quality manual and their related instructions. Towards the end of the meeting, the audience had the chance to debate and ask questions before he wrapped up the event by thanking the attendees for their active participation.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020