Participation of Education College in (Zulfi Environment is our Responsibility)

Participation of Education College in (Zulfi Environment is our Responsibility)

The Student Activities Unit represented the Education College in Zulfi and took part in the campaign of (Zulfi Environment is our Responsibility) on Tuesday 24\1\1438 Ah. The campaign was launched on Sunday for the purpose of preserving the environment and keeping the beauty and cleanliness of public parks, neighborhood gardens and town squares to fit for more visitors. Many students, faculty members and staff visited Alseblah Park and participated in the cleaning campaign under the patronage of the Commission for Social Development in Zulfi. Certainly, the environment awareness is a shared responsibility for all sectors and institutions in different fields starting from the family. The family is responsible of raising the sense of affiliation in their children, and teaching them that cleanliness is next to godliness and a national duty. Moreover, the schools and universities are responsible of showing that cleanliness as a feature of civilization while the institutions’ duty is to organize volunteer work to preserve cleanliness. Finally, the environmental institutions work on raising the environmental awareness. In other words, all private and governmental sectors must cooperate according to each one’s specialty, and not burden the environmental institutions with the responsibility. The cooperation and integration is the key solution to unify the community on facing the problem of the low environmental awareness. Mr. Sami bin Mohammed Alzaarir, Supervisor of Student Activities Unit

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020