Psychomotor Skills & Coherent Linguistic Practices

Psychomotor Skills & Coherent Linguistic Practices

presenter: Dr. Shehzad Al-Hassan Farooqi. Place: The E-learning Hall. Date: 15/05/1437 AH. Target group: faculty members. Program objectives: 1. Expanding scientific perceptions 2. Enriching scientific debate. 3. Great scientific benefit. 4. Encouraging scientific research. 5. Exchange of expertise among colleagues who specialize in various scientific fields through successive panel discussions and ongoing seminars. The English Language Department held on Wednesday 15/05/1437 AH, a seminar on "Psychomotor Skills & Coherent Linguistic Practices" in the E-learning Hall. Dr. Shehzad Al-Hassan Farooqi presented the session in the presence of several faculty members of the department, and which had a big role in expanding the scientific perceptions and enriching the debate in this field as well as greatly benefitting others. Moreover, Dr. Shehzad explained the great advantages of coherent education, and second language learning scenarios and techniques, noting that language is a social act and teaching it should focus on performance as well as practical goals.



Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020