Using Native Language in Pronouncing English Words

Using Native Language in Pronouncing English Words

The Student Activity Unit at the English Department of the Faculty of Education in Zulfi held a lecture entitled “Using Native Language in Pronouncing English Words”. Such sessions and presentations come as part of a developmental series provided by the English Department for students and faculty members. The lecture- presented by Dr. Abdurrahman Saaie- aimed to show students how to pronounce English words using their native language pronunciation skills, illustrating with various examples. Several questions regarding the use of native tongue in pronunciation of a foreign language were discussed. This discussion offered a clearer picture of the presentation and helped in the achievement of the lecture objectives. Courses and sessions like these play an important role in the development of the academic environment in a higher education institution, which in turn contribute to the overall development of the quality at the University. By engaging in such forums and discussions, participants can develop their critical thinking skills and debate strategies, and with the selection of appropriate topics, these lectures contribute to the following: 1- Spreading information and knowledge of various topics among college students. 2- Introducing extra-curricular activities in the Faculty. 3- Training students on discussions and debates. 4- Teaching them mutual respect. 5- Practicing unbiased constructive feedback. 6- Developing social skills. 7- Guiding students to high achievement by focusing on their preferences in education. 8- Discussion of general and special topics. Supervisor of Student Activity Unit Mr. Sami Al-Za’arier


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020