Winter Clothes

Winter Clothes

The Student Activity Unit at the Faculty of Education in Zulfi launched a social program entitled “Winter Clothes”, which aimed to increase social solidarity by providing a humanitarian service to the poor and needy. Thirty five clothes items together with food supplies were distributed to the shepherds in various grazing areas. The supervisors of the Unit, Mr. Sami Al-Zareer, Student Activity Coordinator, Mr. Abdurrahman Al-Tawala, Sports Activity Coordinator, and Mr. Muhammad Al-Seif accompanied a few students to the areas. The program officials thanked the Faculty Dean, Dr. Rashid Al-Thenyan and the Vice-dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Ahmad Al-Qashaami for their ongoing support of such programs. Student Activity Unit Supervisor Mr. Sami Al-Zaareer


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020