Workshop about Effective Teaching and Learning

Workshop about Effective Teaching and Learning

The Department of Quality at the Education College in Zulfi held a workshop entitled ( Effective Strategies in Learning and Teaching) under the auspices of the College of Education in Zulfi on Thursday 23/04/1436 in the training Hall at the female sections in the College. Dr. Mona Tawkl Al-Sayed, Assistant Professor of Psychological Health and Special Education at the Educational Sciences Section gave the training session, which targeted the faculty members of the College. The purpose of the course was to explain the concepts of teaching, learning and their strategies highlighting effective techniques in teaching and distinguishing between learning and teaching. The workshop was important as it focused on the practical and theoretical techniques such as lecturing, discussion and problem-solving with relevant applications of efficient strategies that can achieve good educational results. Subconscious strategies including concept mapping, brainstorming, modeling, advanced organizing and distinguished learner-based teaching were illustrated.


Last modified
Sunday, 29/March/2015