Advisor of The Deanship of Quality and Development in a meeting with the Quality Unit

             A meeting was conducted between Dr. Metwally Ismail- Advisor of the Deanship of Quality and Development- with the Quality Unit in the female departments, in the presence of the coordinators of the academic departments to determine the progress of quality in the college.The members stressed that the amendments to the program descriptions in College following the new form of 2016/2017 should be made by the faculty and approved first by the departmental boards before being submitted to the College Board for approval. The study plans for the programs of business administration, Islamic studies and English were also discussed with the emphasis on using the new forms of program descriptions in accordance with the approved plan. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Metwally Ismail expressed his willingness to cooperate with the College in the future. 


Last modified
Monday, 27/November/2017