College Holds Training for Hutat Sudir Municipality Affiliates.

A training session titled "Skills of Work Problems and Solution" was held in the training room of the Houtat Sudir Municipality within the college plan of community service. Dr. Mohamed Sulaiman Abo Salah, the assistant professor in the Business Administration department at the college, conducted the training, which took place on Thursday 29/6/1437 and targeted the affiliates of the Hotat Sudir Municipality. Dr. Abo Salah started by explaining the differences between a problem and a phenomenon so that trainees can distinguish between the two and consequently identify problems. He then went through the types of problems and the different shapes they take in addition to the role both data collection and saving plays in solving problems. The trainer worked to give trainees the chance to learn the skill of problem solving through a number of tasks. The training covered three types of problems which are (taking decision to solve routine problems, decision making in solving basic problems, strategic decisions to solve problems of a strategic effect or necessitating a strategic program). The trainees participated after that in problem solving activities through brainstorming and reverse brainstorming. The participants developed alternatives to solve a problem and identify comparison mechanisms through a comparison assessment table. Furthermore, a number of questions that were raised during the session were answered and by the end trainees received certificates of attendance. The affiliates of the municipality thanked Dr. Abo Saleh and the community service team composed of Mr. Hussein Batayna and Mr. Ali AL Khamis for their efforts to organize the training. The college team in turn thanked the participants and the head of the municipality Eng. Fahd AL Rumih for the enthusiasm and care to provide a space and serve the public interest and for all the facilities they provide to the college. This training is the second in a series of training the college provides for the affiliates of the municipality based on their needs.


Last modified
Monday, 22/May/2017