Components of Academic Research

The Department of Business Administration held a workshop for graduate students entitled: (Components of Academic Research) presented by Dr. Jamal Halawa on Wednesday, 02/06/1438 in Hall No. (23). Dr. Jamal talked about scientific research and presented samples to students about it, then he explained the steps of scientific research as follows: • The research idea; • how to formulate the title of the research; • how to identify a problem and the significance of research; • Research objectives; • how to formulate hypotheses and develop the questions of the study; • how to design the theoretical framework and explore the relevant literature; • how to make a questionnaire and analyze information after the collection of results; • how to interpret the research data and draw up the conclusion and recommendation; • how to write and organize references, sources and indices. Some students managed to give simple presentations about the steps and stages of their research.

Last modified
Sunday, 10/September/2017