Contemporary Islamic Studies Department holds an open meeting with students

Contemporary Islamic studies department held an open meeting with students on Wednesday 28-1-1439 A.H. at 9:30 AM, in the honors' hall at male’s section. The open meeting which is a part of Academic Advising Week Program was attended by vice-dean for student affairs, Mr. Tariq bin Ahmad Al-Omar, and a member of the Academic Advising, Dr. Jamal Halawah. The meeting began with a keynote address by the head of the department where he welcomed the new students, and urged them to be pioneers in Islamic studies following a methodology that combines Islamic fundamentals and contemporary developments. Mr. Al-Omar, vice-dean, then gave a speech about the rules that control the selection of student for visits outside the university. Dr. Adel Al-Olayyan, the officer-in-charge of student activities, in his address outlined what activities the department is offering as well as the importance of these activities to hone students’ skills Dr. Rasheed Al-Muzaini talked in his address about the role of academic advisor and his importance to students. That he is the main reference for students in all matters in university, to overcome their obstacles, and guide them to achieve their goals.Then, Dr. Salah Ahmad Abdullateef spoke about the problems that encountered the department during the adding and dropping of classes, urging students to avoid these problems. Finally, Dr. Adel Al-Turki, head of the department, listened to students’ inquiries about the credit hours and their relation to GPA where potential graduates are excluded. He then announced that an open meeting is planned to be held every Wednesday at the college to answer all students’ inquiries.  


Last modified
Monday, 27/November/2017