The Event "We Appreciate Your Support" Held at the University Theater

The Department of Business Administration, represented by the 5th level at the College of Science and Humanities held on Sunday 16\6\1436 AH the event entitled "We Appreciate Your Support" , in honor of the Vice Dean of the college, Dr. Nora bint Shaker Al-Shahri. This event was directed to the scientific departments (Computer Science, Mathematics, English Language, Islamic Studies and Arabic Language) that support the Department of Business Administration in carrying out its work. The ceremony was commenced by reciting some verses from the Holly Qur’an, followed by a salutatory presentation to the attendees. Next, Ms. Bodor bint Homood Al-Twajar, a faculty member at the Department of Business Administration made a speech thanking and appreciating all. At the end, the participating departments were honored and honorary shields were given out to them


Last modified
Wednesday, 22/April/2015