Graduation Ceremony of 11th Batch of Female Department

The College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair enjoyed the graduation ceremony of 270 female students in honor of their mothers and Mrs. Haya' Alsaif, the Spouse of the Director of Hawtat Sudair Center which took place on Sunday 24\7\1437 AH. Many have attended the ceremony including the Spouse of the Director of Janobiat Sudair Center, Mrs. Hailah Almaghmas,ٍ Shimaa' Alothman representing the Educational Supervision Administration, and the Dean of Alfurqan Institution in Majma'ah, Mrs. Shiekhah Alnajran. The Ceremony started with a welcoming speech by the students: Latifah bint Saud Alshabant, Aishah Alna'jy, and Shahad bint Abdulrahman Alswaelim. Following the speech, the student\ Khdeejah bint Asim Mesha'l recited verses from Qur’an. Then the Vice-Dean of Female Departments, Dr. Norah bint Shakir Alshihry delivered a speech on behalf of the Vice-Dean of Educational Affairs and Dean of Admission and Registration, which was followed by a speech of the female graduates /Namariq bint Hamad Alsultan. A national operetta was presented entitled (Medal of Honor) written by the student\ Shahad bint Abdulrahman Alswaelim. Gladly, the Vice-Dean for Student Affair, Mrs. Maha bint Abdulrahman Allifan, welcomed the mothers and urged the attendees to be good citizens and to continue further studies. The excellent students were honored, who were 39 students of different departments. Finally, the Ceremony came to an end with the graduation march and a national song urging to contribute in prosperity and preserving the legacy and principles of our country.


Last modified
Tuesday, 30/August/2016