Hotat Sudair College of Science and Human Studies Holds a Training Session on Academic Counseling

The Business Administration Department at the College held on Sunday, 08/01/1438 AH, a training session titled: (Academic Advising), in Hall 3-23. Dr. Munir Abu Shawar presented the session, in which he discussed the concept of academic counseling and its significance in increasing educational attainment. He also addressed various issues regarding academic counseling and how should academic counselors handle them. He then reviewed the students' rights responsibilities during their period of study at the College. And at the end of the session, Dr. Abu Shawar answered the audience's questions and commended them on their fruitful participation. This session was but one among the activities of the Academic Counseling Week program, organized by the Student's Support Unit at the College under the slogan (Academic Counseling is Everyone's Responsibility)

Last modified
Tuesday, 23/May/2017