Hotat Sudair College of Science and Humanities Holds a lecture on (Sustainable Development)

As part of its plan for community service, Hotat Sudair College of Science and Humanities held, on Monday 02/08/1437 AH, an educational lecture titled: (Sustainable Development), in the Presence Hall. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Abdelelah A. Al-Mutairi, the Director of the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, and targeted employees of Hotat Sudair public sectors related to natural resources as well as faculty members. Mr. Abdelelah began the lecture by clarifying the concept of sustainable development, which is the ability to make the development of land, cities, communities and commerce sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. He discussed the fields and applications of sustainable development, which revolve around: economic growth, conservation of natural and environmental resources, and social development. Mr. Abdelelah also explained the role of ICT in the establishment of sustainable economic, social and environmental development, and highlighted some practical steps taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the implementation of its developmental goals beyond 2016, such as signing a number of treaties that aim to increase the readiness of cities in the Kingdom to achieve sustainable development in the future. The lecture yielded a spectacular interaction among the audience, who had a range of questions and inquiries which Mr. Abdelelah answered by the end of the lecture, after which they all relieved attendance certificates.


Last modified
Monday, 22/May/2017