International Human Rights Law Lecture

A lecture entitled “International Human Rights Law” was held on Monday 06\05\1437 presented by Dr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Rashood – Professor of Law at the College of Science and Humanities in Ghaat. Dr. Rashood started the speech by clarifying certain concepts of international law and international human rights bodies, then the historical foundations of the Universal Declaration of human rights which were comprehensive and regional with specific objectives and topics, explaining human rights, its ramifications and its relationship with the United Nations and international law. Dr. Rashood added that human rights in Saudi Arabia are based on the Islamic Sharia, which have not only given people their rights but also gave them dignity and superiority according the holy Quran (and We have bestowed dignity on the children of Adam, carried them on land and at sea and provided them with the means of subsistence and made them superior to many creatures of our own). It was also emphasized during the lecture that the law of the Kingdom includes several principles and provisions ensuring that the State protects human rights as per article (26) "the State shall protect human rights in accordance with Islamic Sharia." Dr. Rashood stressed that the law of the kingdom guarantees all the rights. In recognition of the importance of international collaboration for the promotion and protection of human rights, The Kingdom has become a party in many conventions and treaties on human rights at the international and regional level. During this valuable lecture, several questions from the audience were discussed. Finally, attendance certificates were distributed. This presentation is part of the College community service plan.

Last modified
Monday, 29/August/2016