Meeting with Faculty Staff Members

With the beginning of the new academic year 1434/1435, the Department of Administrative Affairs held an open meeting with the Faculty staff members to raise awareness of the importance of job performance. With prior coordination with the Faculty Dean, the meeting took place on 1434/11/3 at 8:00 am. Dr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Hamdan- Vice-dean for Administrative Affairs- welcomed the dean and the attendees before presenting a PowerPoint presentation regarding the purpose of the meeting. Then the Faculty Dean gave a detailed explanation of the meeting agenda, and urged everyone to adhere to the requirements of the University in terms of attendance, adherence to administrative hierarchy, mutual respect among colleagues as well as cooperation for the development of performance at the Faculty. Another meeting was held with the female staff members in coordination with the Faculty dean on 1434/11/4, where the dean thanked the staff for their participation in the development of the Faulty, and urged them to work harder, commit to the hierarchy at the Faculty and the Islamic attire. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Hamdan urged everyone to adhere to the rules and regulations as well as working harder for the development of the Faculty.

Last modified
Sunday, 12/February/2017