Prophet’s Approach with Subordinates

The College Vice-Dean at Female Campus, Dr. Noura Al-Shehri, gave a lecture entitled "The Prophet's Approach in Dealing with Subordinates", during her meeting with the coordinators of departments and units on Sunday, 18/05/1439 in the Reception Hall. Dr. AL-Shehri talked about the qualities of a good leader such as modesty, mentoring, courtesy, planning and commitment. “Also, the leader should provide a sense of security at the workplace and develop a spirit of cooperation among employees”, she said. Additionally, Dr. AL-Shehri recommends a professional relationship between the leader and his employees, where patience and good management of stress help a smooth flow of work. “The leader needs to appreciate individual and group efforts on the ground and encourage employees to push forward and do their best”, she added. “Showing appreciation to individual differences and stressing common qualities among staff members support inter-departmental synergy as well as demonstrate individuality,” Dr. Shehri advised. She also mentioned a few steps to gain employees trust such as mutual respect and support, which give them sufficient confidence to express their opinions and creativity. Finally, she emphasized transparency and openness in order to avoid problems in the working environment as a result of the lack of open communication among staff members.



Last modified
Thursday, 26/December/2019