A workshop on " 10 keys to success"

A workshop entitled " 10 keys to success" was organized for students on Sunday by the Educational Affairs represented by the Student Support Unit in cooperation with Public Relation Unit. The workshop took place at collage's Ceremony Hall and was presented by the head of the support unit Dr. Jalal Al-Sedeeq.   At the beginning of the workshop, he welcomed students and introduced the 10 keys and how they may impact their personal and academic life. Dr. Al-Sedeeq briefly explained these keys as:    Motivation as a trigger for human behavior    Energy as a source of power to human    Competence as a wisdom   Conceptualization as a path to success and the beginning of creativity    Action as power    Expectation as the way to reality     Commitment and flexibility as the basis of accomplishment     Patience and discipline as the keys to the well-being." live every moment as if it were your last, live with hope, fight and appreciate life," Dr. Al-Sedeeq said to conclude his workshop and then students' questions were answered.      

Last modified
Monday, 22/January/2018