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Department Home Page
The vision of the Computer Science Department is to provide recognized academic program that meets international standards in field of computer science in order to prepare well trained, qualified and national professionals in this field.
Prepare qualified national graduates with high skills and enough experience to join and engage into the labor market of the field of computer science by providing the graduates with the latest knowledge, advanced skills, and strong moral values to serve the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives define the characteristics of our graduates a few years after they have graduated and are employed, or undertaking graduate studies. The program will produce graduates who:
PEO 1: Be gainfully employed in computer science or related career paths including industrial, academic, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
PEO 2: Continue their professional development by engaging in professional activities and/or training to enhance their careers and/or pursue post-graduate studies
PEO 3: Advance in their professional career of the Computer Science field.